second honeymoon

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After the wedding we got the kids loaded up into the car and drove to Robin's mom's house to drop them off! When we dropped them off Allison cried cause she wanted to go! "No baby you can't go! I'm sorry!" Robin said as he kissed her head!  Allison reached for him crying louder! "DADA NO GO" Allison screamed! Hugh held her and took her into the other room! "I hope she'll be okay while we're gone for a few weeks!" Dwina sighed! "She'll be fine Dwina! Let's just all get in the car and go!" I said! We kissed and hugged the twins goodbye and yelled goodbye to Allison! She came running and hugged Robin then me then Dwina! Dwina hugged her longer than we anticipated! "Come on Dwina we gotta go baby girl!" I said pulling her out to the car! Dwina got in the car and Robin drove off! It was our first time away from the kids and we needed a break! Allison was the diva just like her uncle Mo so yeah definitely needed a break lol! All of a sudden my phone rang! "Kenzie you have a stow away in the car!" Barbara said in a panic! I looked in the back seat and there was Allison! "Dada no leave 'thout me!" Allison yelled! Robin pulled over and looked in the back seat! "ALLISON AUTUMN!" Robin snapped! "You're supposed to be with grandma you naughty girl!" Dwina scolded! "Go with dada!" Allison cried! "No you gotta stay with grandma sunshine!" Robin said as he drove back! We took her back and drove as fast as we could to the airport without getting pulled over! I started giggling about what had happened in the car earlier when we got on the plane! "What's so funny princess?" Robin asked! "Oh nothing! Just thinking about what happened in the car with Allison!" I giggled again!

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