the search for Allison

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the next morning was sad! me and Robin were at the table eating breakfast neither of us speaking a word to each other! I walked into the nursery where the window had been smashed the night before! I noticed a letter on the floor and it was from my parents! I read the letter and ran to Robin sobbing! I hugged him tight and couldn't stop crying! Robin held me and didn't let go! "Robin let's go find your daughter!" Maurice said to him! Maurice glared at the letter and then looked up at me! "you stay here in case someone calls saying they found her okay sissy?" Maurice rubbed my back trying to calm me down! "don't worry sissy we'll find her!" Andy said kissing my head! "we'll stay with her and make sure she's okay!" Barry said as they walked out the door! Robin kissed me and then left to find our daughter! "we'll find her princess! don't worry!" I stood there crying watching them leave to find her! I sat there with Linda and Barry and prayed to hear something or at least let her be safe! I called Robin a few hours later to see if he found anything and check up on how he was doing! Robin hadn't found her and he was starting to get worried! I bawled when he told me he hadn't found her and I was at a loss for words! Linda and Barry took the phone and talked to Robin! I went to my room and locked the door until Robin came home! Robin knocked on the door and asked me to unlock it! "princess I have a surprise for you!" he shouted through the door! I heard a giggling baby outside the door! I rushed to unlock the door and there she was! there was my baby! I grabbed her and held her tight! I was bawling and kissing her and hugging her as tight as I could! "mommy was so worried about you!" I hugged Robin and kissed him and pulled him into the bedroom! "Robin I wanna move her into our room! after they took her last night I don't feel safe leaving her alone in the nursery!" I told him with a concerned look on my face! "well actually I was thinking of moving back to England!" Robin said with a big smile on his face! "we'll move down there and they won't ever find us again!" Robin held me tight! he knew moving with twins on the way would be difficult but he was willing to do anything to keep his family safe! I was safe as long as I was with him! but without him my anxiety hit the fan! I needed him around me and Allison at all times to feel like myself again! a few months after the incident the tension finally broke and I wasn't so clingy anymore! Robin was relieved I was back to my normal self and so was I! I still wanted him near me at all times but it was in a different way now! I just wanted to feel his body near mine!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now