suing the label pt3

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I came out of my seizure 2 hours later! Dwina was snuggled up next to me crying! As soon as I came out of it I rolled over and held her tight! "What's the matter baby girl?" I asked! "You scared me! I didn't think you were gonna come out of this seizure!" She cried! I kissed her head and told her everything was gonna be okay! "Look at me! I'm okay!" I told her stroking her face! "Come on let's go get you cleaned up! You got mascara running down your face!" I giggled! I cleaned her face up and reapplied her makeup! "There all better! Ready to go out and have some fun?" I asked! She nodded her head! We had a date with Barry, Linda, Maurice, Yvonne, Andy and Lissa that night! All the boys took us out dancing! Which sounded like a fun night considering the boys found a nightclub that plays music from back in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s! Me and Dwina headed out to the car and Robin sped off!
*the next morning*
Robin woke me up and we got ready to leave! We headed to the courthouse and had our case represented! We were gonna sue our ex label for everything they were worth! Vic had made his point and the label was given a choice either pay me what they owe me or hand the label over to Robin and I! They decided to hand over the label and we won the case! It only took a half hour! I thought it'd take longer but they weren't gonna fight cause they know what they did was wrong! "We own the label now baby! We own the studio! And we can name it whatever we want, we can do whatever we want to it! Aren't you excited?!" Robin asked! But I was too busy daydreaming of what we could do to our new studio! Robin just laughed! "Princess you're daydreaming again!" He giggled!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن