Robin's story

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Robin's POV
Kenzie came back home after spending 3 hours with Andy! I could tell she missed him! She walked in the door crying! "Princess what's wrong?" She was crying so hard she was having a hard time breathing! I rubbed her back to calm her down! All of a sudden she went off on me! "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ROBIN! HOW COULD YOU?! YOU HAD OTHER GIRLFRIENDS YOU COULDN'T CHANGE YOUR DRUG HABITS FOR?! I'M THE ONLY ONE YOU COULD CHANGE FOR?!" I stood back away from her knowing she was right! I knew at that moment she'd talked to my last ex-girlfriend! "Kenzie calm down! You're gonna make yourself sick!" She always makes herself sick when she argues and fights with me! "This why I try to avoid fights baby! I don't want you making yourself sick!" I kept trying to hold her but she pushed me out of the way and ran to the bathroom! She's been throwing up a lot the past couple of days! I ran to the store and got her a pregnancy test just to be sure! I came back home and Linda was in the bathroom with her! "She's still throwing up?" I asked Linda when I got there! "Yeah! Poor thing! She's really sick! What's in the bag?" Oh shit! She asked what was in the bag! "I got her a pregnancy test just in case!" I said nervously! "Kenzie take the test now!" Linda handed it to her! Kenzie continued to throw up! She finally stopped throwing up long enough to take her pregnancy test! And I couldn't have guessed it better myself! It came out positive! Kenzie yelled for Yvonne so Linda could take a break but instead I told Yvonne I'd sit with her! "Robin I can't take another 6 months of morning sickness!" She said with tears in her eyes from throwing up so much! I just held her! And she fell asleep in my arms on the bathroom floor!

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