Allison's 1st birthday

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it was almost party time! me and Linda were getting ready to put Allison's party dress on! "dada!" she screamed! "I know honey we're gonna see dada in a few minutes! we gotta put your dress on!" Linda said kissing her head! we finally put her dress on and walked downstairs! "DADA!" Allison reached for him! Robin grabbed her and handed her to his mom! "gamma!" she screamed as Barbara picked her up! out of nowhere I got hugged from behind! "hi princess!" I turned around and there he was! Robin snuck up on me! I giggled! "boy you're everywhere today! every time I turn around I'm getting hugged and kissed! did you really miss me that bad?" I laughed! "yeah I did! I love you more than anything in the world!" I instantly dropped the laughter and kissed him! "I love you too Robin Hugh Gibb!" I said back to him and went to kiss him again! Allison nudged her way in between us and hugged and kissed both me and Robin! "mommy and daddy love you Allison" Robin told her as he kissed her head! "love mama, love dada!" she said as she hugged us again!

*later that night*

Allison fell asleep in her chair after eating her cake! I put her to bed and went back down to the party! we all had a good time and pretty soon it was time for everybody to leave! we hugged and kissed everybody goodbye! and tried to go to bed! we heard a loud crash coming from Allison's room! me and Robin ran like hell up to her room! "ALLISON'S MISSING!" I heard Robin scream! I broke down crying and Yvonne just held me! Maurice and Robin went looking for Allison! "that's my baby Yvonne!" that was all I could say as I bawled my eyes out! I was about to fall asleep when Robin walked in the door! "there was no sign of Ali baby! we couldn't find her!" Robin started crying! "we'll look for her tomorrow when the sun's out bro!" Maurice said as he rubbed Robin's back!

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