please wake up

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it had been 2 months since that day! and he still wasn't waking up! I kept begging and begging God to let him wake up! I just wanted to take him home and get him away from everything! I haven't left his side in 2 months either! I stayed with Robin 24/7! Robin was my everything and it felt like everything was taken away from me! I called Barry and put the phone on speaker so Robin could hear his brother! "Barry it's been 2 months and he still hasn't woken up! I'm worried!" I started crying! "Do me and Linda need to come up there and sit with him so you can go home and get some rest?" Barry asked! "no! I'm not gonna leave him! but you can come up and see him if you want to!" I said still sobbing! Barry and Linda came up to see Robin and Linda hugged me as tight as she could! I cried and cried and cried and couldn't stop crying! I just wanted him to wake up so I could take him home and we could enjoy life like we used to! I just wanted to hear his voice! I missed him! all of a sudden I felt a hand on my back! I knew it wasn't Barry he was on the other side of Robin! I turned around to see Robin's hand on my back! I turned around and grabbed his hand! "baby please wake up!" I begged! Robin finally opened his eyes after 2 months! I was so happy that he had finally opened his eyes! he was finally awake! he was in a lot of pain still but he held me as tight as he could! he knew I was worried! but I had my baby and everything was okay again!

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