day out with the kids pt 2

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Andy's POV
Mum and dad are coming to see me perform today! And so is my new girlfriend! Mum told me she had a surprise for me too! I don't know what it is but I hope it's good! I hope it's something to help keep my nerves down!
Lissa's POV
Being Andy's girlfriend has been amazing! But at the same time getting attention from the press isn't easy! But I'm happy being Andy's girlfriend! I couldn't ever hurt him like his other girlfriends did! If I ever hurt him I'd kill myself! But every time I look at Andy he always makes me feel better!
*Announcer on stage*
Let's give him a round of applause for his comeback MR. ANDY GIBB!
Thank you everybody for coming out! I'm gonna start out doing one of my brothers songs from their living eyes album since I have 2 of them here with me! Sorry Robin I'm stealing your spotlight for right now! *laughing* Barry Maurice get out here and say hello!
How's everybody doing? I see we have some of our family in the audience! Our mum Barbara and our father Hugh! And our nieces Allison and Dwina and our handsome nephew Maurice!
He was named after me! I don't know why only my sister in law knows that reason! But anyway we're gonna do don't fall in love with me! Since Robin couldn't be with us due to going on a second honeymoon with his wife Andy's gonna fill in!
The boys did fantastic! Andy sounded better than he had in previous years and they happily accepted him back into music! His record label hired him back and he returned to doing Solid Gold which we watched every time he was on! And he was gonna be going on tour again soon! Andy came over to see us as soon as the performance was done!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin