32.Sorry dad

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Sherry turn aroun to face Jay.She raised her eyebrows.


Jay smiled at her.

"Wanna go for a walk today?"

Sherry just wanted to respond but her phone suddenly ringing.Sherry answer the call.

"Oh dad,what is it?"

"Sherry,after the end of the school,go home now okay?"

"Oh urm.."

Sherry looked at Jay who was held her hand while smiling.Sherry blinked.

"Urm..dad,I'm sorry.I can't go home after this"

"Why bunny?"

"I err..."

Sherry tried think of the answer.

"Aaaa I have a tuition class today.Our teacher told to"

Sherry nodded as she satisfied with her answer.Jay seems confused.

"Ohhh like that?Hurm,okay.Make sure to listen to your teacher.Don't play with friends"

Sherry respond then she ended the call.Jay frowned.

"You have a tuition class today?"

Sherry smiled awkwardly.She shook her head.Jay raised his one eyebrow.


Sherry scratched her neck.

"I acctually,lie.I said that because,I don't want him to know that...we go for a walk.So thats why.."

Jay sighed.He patted his head.

"Sherry,if you don't want to go with me.It's okay.You don't need to lying like that.He's your father"

Sherry pouted her lips while toyying with her skirt.Jay sighed again.

"So,do you want to come?"

Sherry tilted her head then nodded.Jay smiled.



Sherry now in the girls restroom.She washed her hand.She turn off the pipe then looked at herself on the mirror.

She exhaled heavily.

'I'm sorry dad.I lie to you..'

Sherry then untie her hair then tie it up again.She just want to go out of the restroom then suddenly the door opened revealed Minnie.

Sherry moved back.Giving space for Minnie to go in.Minnie saw Sherry too.She glanced at her then crossed her arm.

Minnie scoffed.

"What an idiot.After all you did to Jay,you still look happy.I knew you guys are a couples but you have to know"

Minnie whispered at Sherry.

"Jay just using you.He didn't accepted you that much.He don't love you.I know that.So you better stay away from him,or else"

Minnie hit her shoulder then go in the toilet.Sherry bit her lips.

"Is she trying to scared me..?"

Sherry sighed.She then leaved.


Both Sherry and Jay now at the beach.They having an ice cream while taking a picture.

Sherry then asked.


Jay looked at her.Sherry pouted her lips.

"Did you really love me?"

Jay nodded as response.

"How much?"

Jay frowned then chuckled.

"Hurm,I don't know.I just,love you.Why?"

Jay licking his ice cream.

"Did you just using me?"

Jay started to confused.

"What are you saying Sherry.Do you think I'm like that?"

"No I just...want to know.You accepted me,just because want to using me.Maybe,you have a plan.Right?"

Jay frowned.

"Nonsense.What are you talking about?I never do that to you.I really really love you.I accepted you,because I love you too I like you too.There's nothing to do with 'using'. I'm not that kind of man okay"

"But y-"

Sherry widened her eyes.This is the second time Jay kissed her without her ready.

Jay broke the kiss.

"Still want to said like that to me?"

Sherry shook her head.She's now can't move.Jay glanced at Sherry.

"Now eat your ice cream and stop talking nonsense or I'm gonna kiss you more"

Sherry quickly eat her ice cream.Scared if Jay turned into wild again.Jay chuckled.


Soda crossed his arm while biting his lips.He now felt worried about her daughter.

"Where is she..why she didn't comeback..."

Soda tried to call her,but it didn't work.

"Oh god,please protect my bunny"

Soda sat on the sofa.He scratched his face.He tried to call her again.

"Sherry,please answer my call.I'm worried about you"

To be continued...


but hope u like it hehe BYEE <333

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