Chapter 1: Games over Gals

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Only five more minutes left. That was running through Hakuta Yamamoto's mind as he impatiently sat at his desk. All he could think of was going home so he could get away from boredom and find entertainment in playing some video games. It was pretty much all he had going for him as a first year in high school. There was still plenty of youth left for him to enjoy and the boy intended on doing so from the comforts of his own home.

Not that the situation at home was all that great. His dad was hopeless. Things had been that way every since his mom passed away just a couple years ago. So their finances were in dire straits and the Hakuta knew things were hitting the edge for a while now. So video games had become a bit of his solace in attempting to escape from the worry.

School would've been another way to do just that were it not for one certain person.

"Oh my gosh, are you guys busy after classes?" That would be Shiuka Otari. Though to put the all of the blame on her would be unfair. It was more that he disliked her kind, gyarus. Those type of girls were the absolute worst. They're have no care on how loud they were, which is why despite sitting across the classroom from her he was able to hear their conversation. Not only that, but the way they dressed was just so revealing. Again, at his distance there should be no chance of getting a view of their panties, but that was something he was more than capable of getting.

"Of course I am." One of her friends answered. "You know I've got a new boy toy."

"Shucks, ever since you got together. It's like we never hang out anymore." The other one said. With school over, they held nothing back in their conversation. Just the way they acted annoyed him to no end, which is why the boy quickly got his things in his bag and bolted out of the classroom. There was no way he'd allow them to dampen his mood.

Not with all the things to look forward to with his games. There was a new one out that got everyone hyped. It was called Virtualpunk 2077 and he hadn't even bothered to check reviews on it. Not that he ever did. Hakuta believed it best to experience things for himself, it didn't matter if it ended up good or bad. As long as he got to say it was something he did for himself, it was good enough for him.

Back to the problem at hand, he was hoping to just stop by his locker to get out of his school shoes and ready to head home. The issue being that despite being able to gain some distance from the gyaru group in the classroom. The boy wasn't afforded such luxury when it came to their locker placement. It was bad enough they were in the same aisle, but did hers have to be next to his? It was as if whoever controlled the universe wanted him to suffer to the fullest extent.

"If she can't hang out, then how about the two of us go sing karaoke?" They continued their conversation, though now that he was stuck next to them. The volume had turned up to the max from their annoying voices.

"That sounds like tons of fun." Shiuka had that attitude that he disliked. There was just something about that bubbly personality that came off as stupid to him. Normally, he'd say someone acting like that was fake, but coming from her seemed to be genuine.

As he placed his shoes away for the day, there was another issue that arose as a result of getting closer to this pack. As stated before, they were careless about the way they appeared in public. Which meant the problems of him seeing their intimate spots were exacerbated now that the distances became close. Someone like him glanced a bit to the side, and of course was able to catch a view of one of their undergarments. Something that didn't go unnoticed by one of them as they peered his way. This prompted him to turn his head away quickly.

"My." The one with the boyfriend took note of his actions. "Are you trying to sneak a look?" He could've sworn they only dressed and acted this way so they could tease a bunch of losers. Him sadly being included in that manner.

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