Chapter 84: Rouko Spills the Beans

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Shiuka looked around her surroundings awkwardly as she wondered what it was that Rouko wanted to talk about. It was obvious to her from the way she spoke that this wasn't just a simple trip to the bathroom for girls. This was supposed to be leading up to the private conversation with some serious subject matter.

It was rare to see Rouko get all worked up over something. She normally took most thing with a lack of care, even when it was supposed to be taken with respect. So whatever it was, it was obvious to her that this was important to her.

"Okay, okay." Shiuka decided they had gone far enough from the group so that no one could see or hear them. "You're freaking out big time. What's this all about?"

"I'll tell you what this is all about." Rouko turned to look her right in the eye and prepared to tell her the truth. She had been waiting long enough and it had eaten away at her core. There was no way to hold back any longer. "I-" As it turned out, she was going to have to wait a tiny bit longer as a volleyball slammed right into her head, causing the girl to collapse to the sand.

"Oh my gosh, are you all right?" Someone who had been enjoying their game on the beach called out to them.

"We're all right." Rouko weakly responded, who tried to toss the ball back to them only for it to not even make it halfway.

"Are you sure?" Asked Shiuka."

"Of course I'm sure." She shook her head and put this setback behind her. "Look, I need to tell you that-" Again, she found herself interrupted once more. This time a large boy who had been playing some Frisbee catch with some friends had attempted to make a catch without paying attention. So he had accidentally crashed into her and his larger size meant she was no match for him as they tumbled to the ground.

"Whoops, sorry about that." The guy said to her. This might've been a decent time for her to attempt a flirting move, but Rouko was not in the mood for it.

"That's fine... I'm fine..." She replied with the wind knocked out of her sails. Again, she stood up after the boy got up and left the pair to return to their conversation.

"You really don't look good now." Shiuka couldn't help but comment on the pained expression on her friend's face that went along with her messed up hair from all the damage she had taken. "Maybe this can wait? You should probably-"

"No." She cut her off before she was able to suggest anything else. Rouko would not take the concept of waiting any longer, any longer. "Shiuka, I need to tell you-" She once again tried to make her confession, which yet again got interrupted when she got bumped in the head by a large metal object.

"Sorry about that." It was Omihiro, who had his backed turned to them when he accidentally turned around and hit her. "But I think I'm getting real close to some major treasure and-"

"Don't care." She didn't let him finish as Rouko was now past the boiling point when it came to waiting due to all these interruptions. "Shiuka, I know about you and Hakuta!" Finally, she had blurted out what she had been holding in this entire time. Though it was much louder than she had originally planned. As she had also gotten more frustrated as time had gone on. The people around them all turned their heads to stare at the girls and older man in bewilderment.

"I think we should go now." Shiuka suggested. She would've been more shocked over this revelation if she hadn't already been aware of the truth for a while now. Though she certainly had not expected her friend to be the one to spill the beans to her first.

"Yeah..." Omihiro agreed. Rouko had said nothing as she had gotten too emotional, which exhausted her to only breath deeply as they walked away and hoped the crowd would stop caring and just return to their day at the beach.

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