Chapter 21: No Longer With us

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Finally, Hakuta and Shiuka were out of the trap known as home. Now that was out of the way, they could be a bit more relaxed as everyone walked about town. Though this was a new feeling for him. The boy wasn't used to just going about outside without a goal in mind.

She, on the other hand, was much more in her element. So this was apparently what she did with her friends when they were out while he was still inside playing video games. Admittedly, the boy couldn't see the appeal of it. Just seemed like a waste of time when one could at least get some achievements on their game console.

"So, like, where should we go?" Shiuka asked. This was a question directed towards Rouko, seeing as that was the girl who practically uprooted the group from the house. "Actually, I'm starving." Though, she pretty much gave up on asking immediately and brought up her own suggestion.

"After all those snacks and you still have an appetite for more." He quipped. Hakuta was truly grateful it was her father's money she used on all that food instead of his. Also, how did this girl keep that slim figure of hers? The others didn't seem to eat as much, but Ninka appeared to be much bigger than her.

"How about we go to the usual?" Speaking of, said girl ignored his statement and told them where their next location was. "I'm in the mood for Yakisoba."

"Yay!" Rouko cheered upon hearing the suggestion and jumped for joy. Without any input from the boys, it seemed these girls were the ones who directed their outing for today. Not that the others sans Hakuta were against it.

"I hope you're not upset with this." Said Yuusen as they walked inside. "It must feel weird being the thir... Er, seventh wheel on our group."

"Yeah, that's why we didn't want to invite you in the first place." Itsuku followed up.

"What are you talking about?" He was confused by their statements. The boy didn't feel left out at all. In fact, he was certain he even did more talking than Ninka's boyfriend. Had that guy even spoken a line yet? "I'm having a great time." However, that statement rung true. It was weird, never once in his life did he consider playing a video game surrounded by people that were considered his friends could be so fun. Maybe that was the allure of party games, even if that wasn't what they were playing.

"That's great buddy." Itsuku grinned widely and gave his friend a major pat on the back. "Anyway, you don't mind if you don't sit with any of the girls, do you?"

"Go right ahead." It was clear to him that his friends were still interested in trying to chat up and potentially flirt with Rouko and Shiuka. At the moment, Ninka was off-limits, though there was no way Hakuta would ever consider trying to flirt with her of all people. He already wouldn't even flirt with any girls in the first place.

So that left their seating arrangement with him between his friends. Meanwhile, everyone else was paired off with someone else. Ninka was with the obvious, Yuusen sat with Shiuka, and finally Itsuku sat with Rouko.

Everyone ordered pretty much the same food, as insisted by Shiuka. That girl was quite adamant they take her advice and try out what she considered to be the best meal on the planet. Hakuta doubted that assessment greatly. Not because she was the type to exaggerate, but that he had been burned countless times from reviews making the same statement about multiple games that turned out to be disappointments for him.

Everyone around him seemed to shift moods a bit after their orders were placed. It seemed to him that the boys decided it was time to lay on some smooth moves. This was probably what his friends meant by him seventh wheeling, but it didn't bother him one bit to be left out. All that meant was he could focus solely on enjoying the bowl of noodles and beef she recommended. While she may have overrated the food, it was truly delicious.

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