Chapter 51: Connections

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"Hmm, I wonder where Yuusen and Itsuki are?" Hakuta asked as the players on stage began their match. It had been a while since he last saw them after they abandoned him to go so some random booth because it had a cutie. "They're my friends, kind of weird to spend so little time with them."

"You know, I don't think I mind that at all." Shiuka responded. Where they were in a good station as it were. Adding more people would only serve to make things more complicated when the simplicity was better for her. "I'm sure they can take care of themselves."

"You're only saying that because you're not really friends with them." He countered. Hakuta knew this group was odd with their obvious divide. At the same time, the other boys did seem to enjoy their time with the other girls. Somehow even he had gotten tangled into their misadventures.

It made him wonder about their living situation. How he always blamed it on him getting stuck with these people. But realistically was this going to happen anyway? Yuusen and Itsuki were his friends after all, so he'd probably find himself dragged along regardless?

Well, considering the girl he stood besides as they watched the match, there were certainly some major differences. For starters, Shiuka was someone he did consider a genuine friend. It wasn't just because they lived with each other. He truly did enjoy being with her, which was helpful considering the circumstances.

"Don't get me wrong, I like them." She clarified to make sure he didn't feel the need to defend the ones he was closest too. "I just guess that out of all you guys, I'm... Good with you the most."

"Gee thanks." He wasn't sure why she put it in that way. Hakuta hoped she wasn't just trying to bear his presence instead of enjoying it. "I guess in fairness, I'm pretty much the same too." Ninka's words repeated within his head. About how she and Rouko were just along for the ride in his world because all he cared about was Shiuka.

"You make it sound like a bad thing." She noticed a worried look on his face. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" They were surrounded by a growing amount of people as the match went underway. The action was intense and the audience was cheering so loudly that it made it difficult to have a private conversation.

"I don't know." He hesitated on the offer. They weren't in a place where one should have a serious conversation. Not only was there a lack of privacy, but he didn't want to ruin the mood or fun they were having. "You don't mind?"

"Hakuta, most of the stuff here isn't for me. I'm not fussed about it." She assured him there was no trouble for her.

"Okay." He relented and took a step away from the crowd with her. "But only because it's you."

"Don't I feel lucky." She giggled, taking him away from the girls. Now for the first time since entering the tournament, they would be alone together. The first time when she pulled him aside over why Ninka was mad didn't count. Since that was only a minute at most and it was for something unrelated to the pair. "So what's bugging you?"

"It's something that Ninka said to me earlier." He explained to her. "Do you think she and Rouko feel a bit left out by me over you?" She stared at him for a bit while pondering his words. What did it mean for her friend to care about something like that? Sure, she knew that Ninka apparently had the plan on getting Hakuta as a boyfriend. It didn't seem to work, but why would she care about her own relationship with the guy?

"I didn't think they would." She finally answered. "I mean, maybe Ninka but I'm pretty sure Rouko doesn't care."

"But I feel kind of bad when I think about it." He replied. They walked about aimlessly through the somewhat more empty aisles. With most people heading off to watch the main event, it was easier to have a personal conversation more than ever. "What kind of friend group are we?"

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