Chapter 30: Suspicious

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"What do you mean?" He broke a sweat upon her inquiry. It was unlike this girl to be interested in his life. Most of their interactions had been of the casual, passing by sort. So to even call them acquaintances would be a stretch. So why should she care about what seemed to make him a hypocrite? "Our two friend groups just hang out with each other often, so it's just something that came to be."

"Really?" She responded in a manner which clearly signaled to him that she did not believe him. "Look as class representative, it's important for me to watch out the class as a fellow student." In her eyes, there were just some things where these teens would rather reach out to her instead of an adult. A sense of being able to relate helped a lot.

"And I'm glad you do that." Even though he never needed it, nor was he aware of anyone who actually went to her first. "It's an important duty and someone has to do it. No matter how hard."

"Then I want you to know that if she's doing anything, like forcing you to do something you're not comfortable with. You would let me know, right?"

"Um, do you not think highly of Shiuka?" While he would be the first to admit that he wasn't a fan of how most gyarus acted. Mostly around how they interacted with people and their promiscuous fashion choices. Hakuta would certainly never class her as the type to do something evil.

"I never took you to be one who did." She replied, not answering his question at all. It was as though she had her own secrets to guard, as did he as the boy did his best to prevent her from learning about the fact he actually lived with the gal. "I suppose change is natural for people our age, but you don't seem to have."

It made no sense for her that he would favor Shiuka over any other gyaru. Especially considering it was known he wasn't a fan of those kinds of girls. There wasn't anything about that girl in particular which set her apart from the others. She was what one would call, stereotypical.

"There's nothing strange at all." He ended their conversation, taking advantage of the fact they were at school. "We should get back before anyone thinks it's weird how long we've been gone." With no other excuse, she agreed and they went back to their classroom.

The rest of the day went about as expected, which was good for him. However her suspicion on his actions made the boy feel at unease all the way through to even when the school bell rung, signaling the end of their day. If she got a bit too nosy, then it would be problematic in attempting to keep their secret away from the others.

If Ino were to figure them out, he wondered what she would do with that information. The living situation where they were without their parents could prove to be an issue with the teachers, assuming she went to them first. He knew she was more for following protocols, so going to adults first would be a good idea. But perhaps that wouldn't be her target?

After all, students living on their own wasn't unusual. This school was popular as one with prestige. So there were a good number of students who came from outside of town in order to receive their education here. The amount of smart people here always made him wonder how in the world there were even as many gyarus attending as there was.

It probably didn't help that there weren't many schools in the area, so those living here tried real hard in order to enroll. Hakuta could certainly say he fit into that group rather well. He hoped that considering their financial situation, him being able to stay at home without issues would help his father. Obviously that didn't work out at all as he had intended.

Either way, if students living on their own weren't against the rules, nor were they out of the norm. What would be the point? Of course, if she was more of the gossipy type, then she could expose them to the rest of the students. It would be scandalous to hear a boy and girl living together all alone without parental supervision. She wouldn't do that though, right? It didn't matter, he didn't want to be put in a situation where he'd find out.

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