Chapter 18: Rise and Fall

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Something had certainly changed in Shiuka. That much he was sure of as the day went along. She seemed so cold towards him when the girl was so bubbly before. Did something happen? It seemed to be related to him directly, seeing as she chatted along with her friends perfectly fine. Plus, after wanting to be his partner during badminton, any other opportunity to team up was left with more her ignoring his suggestions.

But, what did he do? There wasn't anything that Hakuta could think of that he did to make her mad in the short amount of time there was. In fact, she was normal before his match, then seemingly upset with him afterwards. Did she get mad about him losing? There was no way, if that were the case wouldn't she also be upset with Rouko? They seemed to be doing fine between each other.

Then again, they had also been friends for much longer. But even then, he had been living at her house for a while now. Surely they had bonded close enough to be considered friends? Or was that something only he saw in their relationship?

Now that thought made him sadder about himself as they ate lunch. All the team events were pretty much done with only one major athletic competition left to go. That being the dreaded run. When the day started, he was feeling anxious, but confident about being able to climb the mountain and come out the other side. Now, he wasn't as sure. And all of it came from the sudden divide in his relationship to Shiuka.

When did what she thought of him become so important, he wondered. Up until recently, he would've loved nothing more than for her to just ignore him. But now, he was wishing she'd at least speak to him a little bit.

"So, is everyone enjoying their lunch?" He asked them as they sat with each other. Everyone seemed to be positive about their food, but there was only one person's opinion he cared about the most.

"It's fine..." She answered. Since he was the one to make their lunch for sports day, her response was vital for how she was feeling about him in this moment. He knew for a fact she liked his cooking. "I've had better." With that, she put down her meal and told everyone her appetite was with her today.

"I hope you'll feeling better." He said, despondent. That was the final nail in the coffin between them.

After everyone was finished with their food. There was a short break period before the run was to begin. After all, who would want to run four kilometers up and down a mountain on a full stomach. So that left them with one more conversation before things were to begin.

"Are you all right?" Yuusen asked him as they walked towards the starting position. "That loss in badminton really did a number on you." Unlike with Shiuka, the change in his mood after her change didn't go unnoticed. There was less energy in his step, and his performance in the sports competitions were lacking. Though he was able to pick up victories in the next two chances he had. To Hakuta, they felt like hallow victories.

"You know if you feel faint, the class rep said to let her know."

"I'm fine." He assured them.

"You really should tell her." That was the first time Shiuka had a proper statement directed just for him. "We don't need anyone holding us back." With that, she headed to the starting line with the rest of her friends.

"Did you do something to make her mad?" That was confusing for his friends as they looked at him dumbfounded.

"I honestly have no idea." He said, a bit upset she'd be so brazen. "But, I'm not going to back down now. I've worked too hard to drop out here." Even if she was going to be mad at him for whatever reason he was unsure of. Hakuta did respect the time she spent with him this week. There was no way he'd allow her to believe it was all wasted.

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