Chapter 6: Home Life

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After a quick shower, while Shiuka was napping on the couch. Hakuta got to work on making the two of them dinner. His skill was nowhere near her father's, and it was likely she much rather her dad's pork buns over his. But seeing as the last time they heard that man he was in the middle of crashing onto an abandoned island, this was going to make do.

He set out all the ingredients before him. If there was one thing he had gotten good at, it was being able to cook dinner. As the boy stated before, cleaning was not his forte. In fact, his old room used be quite a mess itself. Though it was clean compared to hers. However, Hakuta got good at cooking since his dad's left a lot to be desired. Also, despite using the gamer excuse, he also cared deeply for his health. Even if the reason was precisely because he was a gamer.

Carefully, he sliced the beef into thin slices and got them onto the preheated pan. As the sizzling of meat frying filled the room, he quickly got to work on cutting up some cucumber to add into it. On the side, there was lettuce for the buns themselves. At the same time, he was also preparing a side dish loaded with healthy veggies. Chances were, the reason she was still sick was due to her poor eating habits. That much he gathered from the only time they shared a meal.

"Hey, it's time to wake up now." He prodded at her after placing the buns into the steamer. Now dinner was practically ready, it was time to get the girl he was trying to care for at the table. "And I'm not carrying you there."

"Okay, I'm up." She replied. It seemed Shiuka had felt a little better now as the girl was able to walk on her own to the dinner table. The prospect of getting her favorite food was what gave her the strength to do so. "Ooh, I can't wait." She clapped her hands in glee as he went to the kitchen to check on the food. It appeared her table manners were lacking as the sounds of silverware hitting wood like drums were filling the room now.

"Here we are." He brought over the plate with four buns, a pair for the pair. Quickly, she took one in a flash, but before taking one bite she did one thing that he didn't appreciate. Shiuka began to open up the buns and pull out the cucumber and lettuce he worked on on cutting and placing. "What are you doing?" He asked, while taking a bite of his own pork bun.

"I hate veggies." She told him frankly. Honestly, it was a little annoying to him that she'd openly toss out some of the ingredients he worked hard on. "But your sauce is really nice." The girl spoke while she chewed her food. Another mark as to why he disliked gyarus. They lacked manners.

"This is why you're still sick." He berated her as they ate their meal. He was also taking bits from the salad he created, but she hadn't so much as looked at it. "How can you expect your body to be strong if you won't eat the appropriate foods?"

"It's not like it's a big deal." He responded, miffed that he had the nerve to be lecturing her. "My figure is still completely good." The way boys stared at her in class was proof enough for her. "And It's not like you're the shining example of fitness."

"There's more to health than just appearances." He retorted. Though admittedly the boy was glad she wasn't so unhealthy as to have issues with her weight. "Besides, I gotta stay healthy so I can enjoy life to the fullest." The meaning changed a lot when one considered that he meant more for staying inside to play video games. Even if there was a point to his words.

As someone who openly loved games, there were plenty of genres he enjoyed. A couple of major ones included shooters and fighting games. Those required one to have lightning fast reflexes in order to obtain victory. So therefore, he made sure to keep himself in tiptop share in order to not have mistakes when the timing was tight.

Sadly making sure to get tons of vitamin A was unable to keep the boy from needing to wear glasses for the sake of his vision. Guess his dad was right about staring at a screen all day was bad for his health. "Plus, I spent so much time getting this salad seasoned." He took a fork and stabbed into it to pick up a mouthful. "Don't just say vegatables are gross if you're not going to try them."

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