Chapter 23: The Haunting Hour

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Not much time seemed to have passed for them as they continued to live their normal lives. Hakuta simply kicked back on the Toystation, while Shiuka usually was out with friends. However, tonight was a little different. That being she wasn't out. Instead, the girl had been interested in a new game he had picked up from a used games store.

"What's this?" She asked, taking note of the dark and grim title screen as he prepared himself.

"It's 'Quiet Mountain'." He answered. "I don't know if you'd like it. The game's supposed to be scary."

"Ha!" She laughed in the face of potential fright. "Me and the gals are almost always renting out scary movies. I'm not some little girl who wets herself from a little jump scare."

"Good." He responded by turning off all the lights and closing the curtains to dim the living room as much as possible. "Then, I don't have to hold back."

"What's all this?" She wasn't used to the idea of changing the atmosphere when enjoying horror related things. At least, when it wasn't Halloween. "Why'd you turn off the lights?"

"Don't tell me you watch all those movies with the lights on." He said. To which she denied, even though her and her friends actually did watch them with every single possible light on to brighten up the room they were watching in. Pretty much, she was actually a coward who might've spoken a bit too big of a game to him. "Anyway, I usually play these games with headphones, but since you're here. I'll just turn up the volume."

"Yeah, I can handle that." She gave him permission, even if every muscle in her body tensed up from the potential horrors about to meet them. "What's this game about anyway?" They sat together on the couch as the game loaded into the starting cut scene.

"It's about a guy who's looking for his kid." He explained as the narrator gave the explanation as well. Hakuta had played this game before, so he was glad to be able to repurchase it at a low cost. "Actually, speaking of looking. It's been a while since we've heard from her dads." At this point, it had only been about a month since the day those men left for this supposed adventure. The last time they talked to them, was about a couple weeks after they got stranded on that mysterious island.

"I'm sure they're fine." She responded absentmindedly. Shiuka was more worried about their own well being as he started to move his character around. The town they were exploring was dark, as it was late at night. It seemed as thought there was no one around, yet she got the feeling they were being watched at the same time.

It didn't help that the camera switching over as if to indicate there was someone watching his character. She was also unsettled by how the camera wasn't over the top of his shoulder. Instead, it appeared to be switching around as if security cameras were looking over him, which left them the inability to see what was coming up.

"It doesn't really make that much sense." He commented on said angles. "I think it's cool for cinematic effect, but really the guy I'm playing should already be seeing the scary stuff."

"Oh, so we've already seen it all?"

"We haven't seen any of it yet." When he revealed they had yet to be properly scared. Her heart sank to the depths of the abyss. There was no way she could possible continue looking at the screen, but at the same time the girl didn't want to be a coward in front of him.

Meanwhile, Hakuta had kept his eyes glued to the screen. He already knew what was to come as they walked into an alleyway. She thought it was a stupid idea, but of course it was the only way to progress through the game. There, they were greeted with the first horrible sight. A dead body hanging from the gallows.

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