Past and Future 4

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Hakuta went to school, still as unsure as ever. Perhaps he really was overthinking it, but Omihiro's belief of his feelings seemed too certain. Despite him being pretty sure that he didn't have romantic feelings for anyone. Why would he be in love with Iruka anyway?

Sure, she was a very beautiful gal and he wasn't naive to some of her assets. And he couldn't deny that she was a lovely girl whom he liked being with. But surely those wouldn't be enough on their own, right? Now that he thought about it, what would constitute him wanting to date anyone anyway?

These were questions he couldn't find answers to. With school taking a bit more importance, there was no way he could even dedicate time in figuring out even if he wanted to. So for now, they would only remain as lingering thoughts in the back of his mind for now.

Right as he was to enter his classroom to prepare for the beginning of the day. Hakuta was intercepted by a certain somebody. This being Ino, surprisingly.

"Can we talk?" She stepped in front right as he was about to enter through the door.

"It's a bit early to be needing my help." He commented, originally believing her to just be needing aid as she normally did during school.

"As friends." She clarified. "You know, there's still some time. So I wondered if we could just chat off to the side here."

"Sure." He was a little surprised to see her being so forward with him. Though it didn't appear to be anything serious, it was unlike her to want to interact with him beyond formalities. Of course, things had changed over the past month, but even then he had difficulties getting used to it. "What did you want to talk about?" Asked Hakuta when they stepped aside in the hallway.

"I... don't really have any topics in mind." She admitted. It was odd to hear Ino wanting to do something which didn't appear to be productive at all. Normally when they chatted, it had something to do with their lives. "I just wanted to talk to you. Is that wrong on its own?"

"No, it's fine." He began to consider when they'd game online and chat through typing messages. She seemed a bit more talkative then, but that was because they were able to talk about games. Something a little less possible when out in public when she feared people finding out the truth about her. "..."

It was here that Hakuta also realized just how little else they've discussed when it came to normal things friends would say. Less important stuff where it was more about just getting to hang out than anything else.

Kind of like the stuff he would do with the other girls, like Shiuka, Iruka, even Ninka sometimes. Though the latter was quite rare considering she was more aiming on the romantic side of things.

"Hope things have gone well for you at home." Said Ino. "You know, I hear your dad's done well financially speaking, lately."

"Where did you hear that?" He broke a sweat just hearing her reference his father's line of work. After all, it was a piece of information which connected to Hakuta's moving in with Shiuka.

"My father knows Otari." She answered, referring to Shiuka's dad. "His line of work can occasionally have some interesting implications. So they talk about things and I've heard that he's hired your father as an employee."

"Oh, yeah that's happened." He was able to breathe a sigh of relief in realizing she had no clue beyond that.

"It does explain why you have gotten much closer to that girl. So I apologize for assuming the worst of her. That was just my bias talking." Though it didn't seem to get her to consider Shiuka any more highly than she currently did because of the gyaru part.

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