Chapter 88: Wait til Sunset

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Hakuta was ecstatic about his ability to convince her, even though it was about the equivalent of whenever his friends forced him into doing something he didn't want to do. Perhaps the gals were influencing him a bit too much these days.

Either way, he was able to achieve his wish on being with this girl again. Now all he wanted to do was find a way to continue this without her once again avoiding him once things were all over.

Rouko also had her eye close on the circumstances. If there was one part of him that confused her the most, it was his fixation on the class's representative. He had always been a bit of a recluse from her time of knowing him. Ignoring his forced situation, this one seemed to be out of this boy's character.

So it interested her a bit to see how he ticked. Despite knowing about the feelings from Ninka, he hadn't shown any signs of wanting to get with her. The same went with his supposed denseness towards Shiuka's feelings. But perhaps it wasn't because he was simply an ignorant person. Rouko wonder if perhaps it was actually this other girl, one much more reserved than her own friends, which had captured his heart.

"So were you enjoying the party without us?" She started off the conversation as they aimlessly wandered about to search for the student council president. "Hope we didn't put too much of a damper for you."

"I'm not personally interested in parties, but I made an exception in respect to the president." It was an honor to have their council president interested in her becoming the eventually successor. Even if there were connections made due to her family, both on the board and because of her father. "I'm not surprised to see you here, but Yamamoto is definitely a curiosity."

"One thing led to another and I guess here I am." He gave a poor explanation on his presence here. There was no particularly good reason for the boy to be here nor was he actually enjoying himself. "I'm just more awestruck at how many students are here. I thought it would've just been a single class or something."

"It does seems that there's more than just third years too." She replied, noting other students beyond just themselves. "But that's likely because I've been informed there will be an idol coming in to perform."

"An idol!?" Rouko's jaw dropped from the news. "Wow, the seniors really went all out today."

"It's more that she's an alum from the school. Graduated before we all came here, so that's why you're not aware of her."

"The school I go to really is special, isn't it?" Hakuta made a comment to himself. Everyone seemed to be important or have something else going on for their lives. When he first started, it seemed like he was the only one who was normal. Well, most people probably thought he basically represented the kid who was comically poor. While his financial situation was absurd, he certainly didn't find it funny at all.

"Don't worry." Rouko overheard his muttering. "I think you're a special guy too." She gave him a playful punch into the arm, making reference and light about his living circumstances. If she wanted to hide it, then the boy wasn't a fan of her playing so loose with this information.

"It's not really a big deal." Said Ino, giving him a cold look from his newfound relationship with Rouko.

"Ah, there you are." As they walked while searching, it was their student council president who found them instead. "Here's a bottle of the tea you were asking for."

"Thank you." She took it politely, attempting to avoid eye contact with the boy and girl she was with.

"Are these two your friends?" The older girl asked. "I know every third year and I've never seen them before."

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