Chapter 3: Departure

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The next day came and it was not one Hakuta was looking forward to. How could he when it meant the time for him and Shiuka to live alone together had now come? It also wasn't a good thing for him to have to say goodbye to his dad for an indeterminate amount of time. Despite their differences, they were still family after all.

"Papa, I'll miss you so much." Shiuka was giving her farewells to her father with a tearful hug. The moment might've seemed sweeter to him were it not for one thing.

"It's nice that you'll miss him, but can you at least help out first?" They were still moving the copious amounts of bags and cases being loaded up into the truck. Whatever it was that this man did, it certainly entailed bring a ton of stuff. Hakuta found himself strapped on with about a dozen boxes on his back as he tried to pull himself out of the house. "Why couldn't you guys have hired some movers?"

"Well, it'll be the last time we'll see each other for a while." His dad answered. "So wouldn't this make for some great bonding time?"

"Of course this was your idea." How come every time that man came up with a plan, it involved pain to his son? This stuff wasn't light in any manner. "But I guess the two of you are going to be roughing it. So it's up to me and Otari should lighten things up for you." At this point, he was only ever going to call that girl by her family name. That way no one would be mistaken in assuming they had become friends.

Especially since friends don't make only one of them do all the work. "I said, me and Otari should lighten things up for you!" He repeated him in a much louder voice. This girl had hardly done anything to aid in the process. And that was despite being the one more experienced between the two of them.

"Huh?" That finally caught her attention. "Oh, don't worry I'm just your supervisor." Just like she was at school, Shiuka was good at dodging having to work hard. "You're doing a great job." Her words of encouragement did little to make the boy feel better.

"She's right, you really are." His dad said. Was no one going to help him on packing for this trip? The idea enraged him so much that the burst of strength allowed Hakuta to power up and get everything inside the truck in less than ten minutes. The rush of energy he got was most likely the same thing that happened when he raged out when playing an online game. Those things always got him riled up.

"Wow, you really took care of everything." Shiuka commented while leaning over him. After his burst of power, the boy ended up tiring himself out and laid on the bench just outside the house. "All by yourself too."

"Thanks for... Nothing." Through his labored breaths, he still had snide remarks directed towards her.

"Now that's everything, looks like it's time for us to go." Said Kankichi. The two men got themselves ready to take the vehicle to wherever their destination called them. The man hugged his daughter tightly for one last time. Meanwhile, Toukou walked up to his exhausted son, shaking his hand.

"I'll see you later." He said, unconcerned with the well being of his child.

"See you... Later too." Still breathing heavily, the rest of Hakuta's energy was expended in shaking the man's hand. With that over with, this was the last time he saw his dad as his eyes shut closed.

The next thing he knew, his eyes were opening up to gray skies as water hit his face. Was someone splashing a bucket over him? No, that wasn't it. The weather had taken a turn for the worse as a flash of lightning shook him straight up. The rain had woken up as he saw he was still outside on the bench. Quickly, the boy got onto his feet and rushed inside to the warmth of his new house.

"Oh hey, you're finally awake." Inside, he was greeted with his new roommate.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked with irritation in his voice.

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