Chapter 73: Sneak Queen

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"I was about to fall asleep." He answered, praying that she wouldn't notice the oddly large bump on his bed. It would be a hard time trying to explain that one away to her. "So go away now."

"But you were about to forget to turn off your lights." She pointed over to how far away the switch was from his bed. "Not to mention you left your computer on too." She stuck her head in deeper to see the screen still illuminated on the home screen.

"I was going to get to that." His further attempts to shoo her did little to dissuade the girl from entering his room. Hakuta's position with Rouko meant he couldn't just get out of bed to force her out, since that would leave a notable bump on hid bed which would reveal the girl. "You don't need to worry about me."

"Actually I was hoping you'd worry about me for a bit." She laughed, sitting at his desk to shut down the boy's computer for him. "Ugh, I need to talk to you about something."

"You can't wait until tomorrow?" He asked, suggesting it so she'd get out. "I really was about to go to bed."

"But you always are up for chatting." She wondered what was wrong with him today to make him do something completely different than he normally would. "Is something wrong? I didn't make you mad at me this time, did I?"

"No, nothing wrong here." He did his best to keep his eyes from wondering where Rouko laid. Things were already bad enough as they were with this girl being here. Since that meant she knew the truth about them and he'd much rather Shiuka not be aware of this fact.

However the worst part of all this would be the position they found themselves in. It would be even more challenging to explain why Rouko was laying with him in the same bed while they tried to hide her presence away from the girl. At this point, Shiuka might get the wrong idea and think he was going after her friend instead.

Which would be a bit funny considering the perception of their relationship. Neither of them are viewed as close to each other. So the idea of them actually being a secret couple would've been a shocking twist. Well, this would be funny if Hakuta wasn't stuck in the middle of what might potentially ruin his relationship with everyone else.

Meanwhile, Rouko was doing her best to stay silent. It took every muscle within her just to lie still considering the awkward position she laid in under his sheet. It was getting hot, owing to the fact there were more people on this bed than it was rated for as well as his real nice blanket. The girl certainly got all the scent of this boy, which was mostly just sweating from him freaking out in trying to hide away from Shiuka, who was sitting right on his desk.

"Anyway." Shiuka continued to stick around. They were lucky she hadn't been looking directly at them, instead laying back in his chair while facing the computer to talk. "I just wanted to talk about Iruka." The name caught Rouko's attention. Why would they be talking about one of their friends?

Since she wasn't around when they talked with each other privately in Shiuka's house. The girl was unaware of what their personal conversations were like. Perhaps Shiuka wasn't that nice girl outside of their friend group and had some nasty words to say behind their backs. "You know, she almost blew our secret during dinner at Ninka's."

"Really?" He responded, shocked. Rouko was equally shocked and nearly gasped in reaction to his hearing this new. She covered her mouth to continue to try and hide her presence from their conversation. "How?"

"We were just talking with her parents at the dinner table and they asked why she moved here. Obviously it was because of her dad, so she said he works for my dad now." This seemed normal, and while somewhat weird to others, wasn't information either of them took issue with her divulging. "But then she almost told them it was cool since it meant she got to hang out with you all the time." If Shiuka hadn't stopped her by stuffing a bunch of food into that girl's mouth, then they would've been done for.

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