Chapter 59: Behind Back

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"What?" He shook his head from hearing her words to him. For a moment, Hakuta believed himself to be in a dream. Under what circumstances would the class rep tell him to just break off a friendship so easily?

"I spoke quite clearly." She responded to his obvious confusion. "You would be better off not being her friend." Ino made her advice loud and clear to him.

"I'm sorry, but isn't that kind of not what most people would say?" He replied. Hakuta would've figured someone in her position, regardless of the circumstances he gave to her, would tell him to talk things out with Shiuka. While he never divulged into details on the specifics, surely she knew that things between them weren't irreparable.

"You asked me for my opinion not coming as the classroom representative." She told him. This wasn't her being informal anymore, despite her tone and manner of speaking sounding the same as it always had. Right now Ino was speaking in a manner most people would call frank. I don't believe she's worth trying so hard just to maintain the relationship."

"But... But why?" He asked. "It's not like you really know much about the two of us. And I came to you because I do want to mend things."

"It sounds like you only came to me to hear things you wanted to hear" She replied, scolding him a bit. "You're not looking for advice, you're just looking for assurance." Ino raised a solid point. Hakuta had gone to a lot of people for what seemed to be a minor issue. What was the point in asking people for their opinion if he only wanted them to say specific things? At that point, he might've as well already know what he wanted and worked towards it.

"I just wanted help." He meekly answered. Hakuta knew she was right. Even just moments before talking with her here, he had looked over at Shiuka and hoped for a certain outcome. As if he already knew what it was he wanted to do and say to her. "But either way, you never came across as someone who would want me to just stop being friends with her."

"I do have to be honest with you." She said, and apparently without saying it she would be blunt with it as well. "I don't really know why you're friends with her." He recalled when she had her own suspicions on his sudden new relationship with Shiuka. Especially considering that before he had a rather poor viewpoint of girls like her. "Clearly I was wrong if you are asking me to stay being with her."

"But, if you know that now, then that means you're not worried about it, right?" He asked, hoping it would throw her off his trail for good.

"Why don't you tell me what makes her so special?" She didn't give him any assurance things would get better. In fact, he got the feeling it would get worse before anything resembling it would occur. "You two always seemed so distant before, but now you've changed so much."

"I'm surprised you've noticed." They weren't friends, so he didn't think she'd paid much attention to him. At the same time, they did interact fairly often during school time. So maybe it was just something unavoidable. Either that or he made a much more drastic change than he realized. "But people just happened to run into each other." Unfortunately he couldn't tell her the truth as to why they got close. Hakuta had to be vague about it to her, which did little to convince her as to his feelings.

But this didn't mean he didn't think about his extraordinary circumstances with the gyaru. They really were forced into that living situation. So of course they'd end up spending a lot of time with each other regardless of their feelings to the matter. If all they had between each other were forced, then why did he care so much?

"And what exactly is it you've done that's gotten her a bit fussy?" She continued to interrogate him. Hakuta felt more like a criminal explaining he did nothing wrong instead of someone asking a friend for him. "You don't look like you'd be a jerk on purpose, but I could be wrong."

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