Chapter 58: Bad Advice

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Hakuta felt bad about his argument with Shiuka. That girl might've been close to him, partially due to living circumstances, but she also knew how to get on his nerves the most. Whatever her problem was, he hated when she'd get like this. That girl was also getting hot and cold where the cold rarely came up, but was annoying.

He wondered if it was something he could never understand. Such as the fact that she was a gyaru, or even the simple fact that she was a girl and he a boy. They never denied they weren't different, but it would've helped him if she tried to help him see the issues without getting fussy.

Though perhaps he was at fault too, Hakuta thought. While his pride made it hard to want to admit this to Shiuka. It wasn't like she didn't outright state what it was he had done to get her upset. The boy just couldn't understand why she would be against it. So far nothing bad had happened as a result of his actions. Therefore there shouldn't be any problems, even including the angle about him keeping their secret locked up.

As he sat in class, Hakuta's eyes couldn't help but wander in her direction. There she was, the sunlight from the outside window providing a spotlight for him to see her. The way her pink hair glimmered and her eyes glowed from how it hit her just right. Shiuka truly was a girl of beauty. For a moment, somewhere in the back of his mind, he felt like a boy trying to sneak a peek at a girl they were crushing on.

But he was not a boy in love, probably. Instead he was more akin as being in the doghouse, so to speak. Someone who longed for an opportunity to make things right with her. His only issues were finding the time to be able to do so as well as questioning on what words he would say.

Speaking frankly, he was inexperienced. Speaking meanly, some would call him an idiot. Enough so that he was discouraged on making the move towards talking to her while they were at school. It was clear to him that he needed to seek some help first before making any attempts.

Unfortunately Hakuta wasn't known for having many friends he could go to for help. So he had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and ask the guys for some help.

"Hey, do you guys have some time?" He asked once lunch arrived for them. "I want to ask you two something in private."

"Are you sure you want to do it now?" Asked Yuusen in slight hesitation. These two boys were hoping to spend some time with the girls like they normally did.

"Yes." Hakuta spoke bluntly, grabbing them both by the collar to drag them out. "Now come on, I just need to talk to you about something." He pulled them along and outside of the classroom where no one would eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Must be pretty important if you wanted to do it alone here." Itsuki commented. It was indeed rare of him to want to pull these two aside for a meaningful conversation. In fact, meaningful conversations were quite rare for this group of lads in the first place. Most of the things they talked about was of random matters that only meant something to one of them. The other two were just there to provide snarky commentary.

"So what troubles our friend here?" Yuusen asked in a manner that showed neither of them were that worried about Hakuta's issues.

"Well I just wanted to ask if I happened to get into some deep water with someone." Hakuta began, not giving away too many details. Aside from the usual excuse of wanting to keep secret about him living with Shiuka. He also didn't want to deal with the embarrassment that would come from their inevitable teasing if they knew she was involved. "But I don't really understand what I did wrong. What should I do about it?"

"Depends, is this a boy or a girl?" Asked Itsuki.

"Uh, girl?" He didn't know why there would be a difference in how to handle the matter. But he did want to solve it, so Hakuta was honest about that.

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