Chapter 54: Send a Message

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Hakuta sat alone in front of the computer in his room. Many things ran through his mind as he stared at the screen, preparing himself for what he was about to do. One of the things that may run through the mind of someone who wasn't him would be how someone who used to be poor like him now was the owner of a computer.

The answer to that was simple. His and Shiuka's dads had gotten back from yet another adventure doing whatever it was they did on these expeditions. As usual, even though this would only be the second time they had done this, the pair had returned with many gains in terms of treasure.

This meant a lot of money had come along their way again. Of course the boss, AKA Shiuka's father got most of the money. He was the one financing all these trips anyway, so it was only fair. But Hakuta's dad was able to get plenty of money for himself and his son as well.

He gave Hakuta a bunch of money with a new bank account and told him to spend it wisely while he left for another adventure. So the young boy did the one things he knew that was responsible. This being to purchase a computer for the main purpose of playing video games. Only now he was able to do it in private.

Just gaming, for the record, nothing else.

Yet here he sat, waiting deeply in thought as he logged into his main gaming account. There was only one goal in mind he had as he stared at the bright screen. The tool needed to complete this goal was on his desk. The scrap of paper handed to him by the masked person back during the gaming tournament.

It had that person's username. The identity they were known with in the online gaming sphere. He took a deep breath as he searched up the username and sure enough it loaded onto his screen. Now all he needed to do was simply send a friend request and proceed to wait until they hopefully accepted it.

Hakuta had no way of knowing when they would accept it. A part of him thought deep inside that perhaps it could even be a fake username. That this wasn't the same person that he had met then. If this were the case, then a rejection was on the cards.

He shook his head physically in an attempt to shake out the bad thoughts. He was overthinking the matter. It was simply another case of him being stressed out about what someone else thought of him. Perhaps because for once he actually wanted that person to become his friend.

That was a rare occurrence in his life. Not that he hated people, but Hakuta preferred to stick to himself. As it was, he already had plenty of friends, most of it forced upon him. But he could at least live with what he currently had in life. Yet now he wanted to add along that circle of those he kept close. This masked person, this so-called 'TheMaskedDemon' was one he wished to learn more about.

There was an air of mystery to this person that intrigued him. Perhaps because he did not know their face, did not know their voice. Hakuta couldn't even tell much about them outside of their hobby with video games. It was time to begin to figure out who this person truly was.

His head turned back up to the screen after hearing the chirp of a notification from his speakers. Hakuta noticed the masked figure had accepted his request rather quickly. It was surprising that it happened as fast as it did, but perhaps he was lucky in getting good timing when they happened to be online.

For a moment, he wanted to send a message to them. Nothing special, just a simple hello in order to try and break the ice. But he hesitated as his fingers hovered over the keyboard. Was he being to hasty? Surely they had a normal life to attend to, unlike him who was forced to live in the house of another. So Hakuta took a step back from his computer, trying to gather his thoughts.

This was when another chirp came from his computer once more. This time it was a message. Instead of him being the one to send it, it turned out the masked figure, or at least the username they claimed to be theirs, sent one first.

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