Chapter 76: Should he Tell?

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"Okay, I'll be heading out now." Hakuta announced while standing by the front door. Today it was time for him to go shopping for some swimming trunks. The boy had never had a reason to go swimming, so he hadn't owned a pair that fit him. The last ones he apparently still had were from when he was in elementary school, so they very clearly didn't fit him anymore.

"That's cool, I'll see you later." Shiuka wasn't joining him as she didn't need to buy anything new. Of course, if she saw something cute before their trip started she would easily pick it up. But today, she was more busy getting things setup with Iruka's father, Omihiro, so he would be all good when she wasn't around.

With their short conversation finished, Hakuta left to go meet up with his friends at the mall. They weren't really in need of anything new, but it never hurt to have some time to hang out with the boys. It had been too long since the last time he had been with Yuusen and Itsuki without the girls with them. Perhaps a growing pain that came with the territory of making new friends.

Unfortunately his hopes of being with just the guys ended the moment he saw them.

"Hey guys... And Rouko..." He headed into the food court where they agreed on meeting. This was also where he saw Rouko sitting at a table with the other two. Considering what had transpired not even a week ago, the boy wasn't in the mood for seeing her again in a somewhat public place outside of school.

"About time you showed up." Yuusen greeted him with a playful look at his watch. Hakuta wasn't late, they were just early. "Too bad the one time you're here on time, we kind of hoped you were running late."

"Usually I'm the one early." He corrected them, not caring for the mocking being made as a result of a girl being here. Hakuta did spend a lot of time waiting for these two fools whenever they made plans. It was like they decided to take detours whenever he was the destination target. "And what's Rouko doing here?" He was also promised it would only be just them. Mostly just so he would have just one day to himself without the gyarus coming in to ruin it.

"I swear we didn't invite her." Said Ituski, putting his hands up to show innocence. "We really just ran into her here."

"They're right." She spoke up. "I came here because I wanted to look for some cute swimsuits. I think I'm going to need a new one just for this occasion."

"And I see these two bozos just couldn't couldn't resist the temptation for having you join us." He commented, sighing in disappointment over this news.

"Come on, she's a friend." Yuusen assured him nothing would go wrong. "Wouldn't it be weird to just avoid her if we're all here?" They weren't wrong, but Hakuta wasn't a fan of the idea either.

"Whatever." He relented to the group yet again. While it was a funny coincidence, he couldn't help but get the feeling this wasn't just pure happenstance. "Can we go ahead and shop now that I'm here?"

"We were just waiting on you." Yuusen replied as they all got out of their seats. The group would head on over to the most popular clothing brand in the mall to seek out some swimsuits. This was mostly for Hakuta's sake, as he was the one who really needed it the most out of everyone. But also for Rouko, because of course she would want something really special.

"This looks good enough to me." He picked up a pair of blue swimming trunks from the rack and already decided it was enough shopping for him. There was nothing special about this pair outside of it being plain and cheap, which was nice for a boy like him. Despite the fact that he had brought along more than enough money to purchase something even considered designer.

"You can't just do that." Rouko scolded him. "Where's the style? The pizzazz? Besides, how do you even know if it fits?" There were many more things she could've listed out, but basically her point boiled down to that he should care about his looks and try and do it well.

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