Chapter 57: Obssessed

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"Ooh, that was a close one!" Hakuta announced loudly, even though no one could hear him. It was another day of him playing video games, but this time he was on his computer while doing so with his new online friend.

There had been a recent free-to-play title that had dropped which had gotten a lot of people's attention. It was called 'Pillar of Illusion', which was very similar to another popular game staring characters done in the so-called anime style. Either way, Hakuta was asked by the 'TheMaskedDemon' if he wanted to play and it was basically no question to him.

Now they were teaming up to clear some of the content and take on a couple of bosses to get a feel if it was worth spending some money to roll for some of the cuties. He wouldn't consider himself to be the type of guy to prefer 2D over 3D, but there was some debate over his feelings towards fictional game girls compared to those which existed in real life.

As he went through the intense task of clicking on his mouse and pressing buttons on the keyboard to dodge attacks, Hakuta slowly thought about how much he enjoyed this. It was rare for him to be able to play with someone with similar skill and passion as he had held for video games. Sure, Shiuka certainly gave him a good time whenever they were hanging out in the living room, but this felt much more magical.

Which was funny, considering they weren't even talking while playing. Of course the person didn't want him to hear their voice to continue to hide their identity. So they weren't using the in-game voice chat. He was surprised they'd go to such lengths. While a voice would point him in a direction, unless he ever actually ran into them, there would be no way he'd know who the owner of that voice was without already knowing their face.

Finally, after a grueling 10 minutes, they had managed to fell the beast. Hakuta laid back in his seat to take a deep breath of relief. The pair were able to gather their spoils from battle and return to the hub area. After all this time, he was able to begin writing to them in chat. "Nice job." He sent to them in simple fashion.

"You did great too." They responded. "I'm glad I got someone I can trust. It makes things a lot easier than solo."

"Surprised you don't like to play with other people." He commented. Even if this person was shy, it wasn't as if they needed to worry about risking their identity playing games with strangers over the internet. These two had even met in person and he still didn't know who they were.

"Hard to make sure everyone does their job properly." They replied. "Guess I just have a hard time trusting strangers." It was ironic to him. They weren't willing to trust others because they didn't know them. Hence why their duo worked because she knew who he was and what kind of person Hakuta was. Yet he didn't know them and had no other choice but to trust them.

"If you don't mind..." He typed in as they logged out of the game for the evening. "May I at least get to know you more?" It took a long while before he got a response. Once again he could tell he hit her with something she was uncomfortable with.

"Why are you so insistent on getting to know me?" They responded after he was given a long wait. "We just play online together, I'm no one worth getting to know other than us just having fun."

"I just like to know something about you." He answered. "We spent so much time, but I don't even know your name." Hakuta could assume they knew his name. While he never formally gave it, now that he thought deeply on it. Their first meeting had an announcer call him by name, so it should be known. "I can't even know that?"

"No." Their response to him was swift and blunt. This was not going to be a matter where they'd budge for him. "Sorry, but I have to get off now." He sighed as he saw the green icon on their avatar gray out to indicate their leaving. Hakuta wasn't even given the time to type up a goodbye message for them either. So he could only just turn off his computer and head out of his room for once.

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