Chapter 43: You owe me

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"You want us to what?" Asked Rouko when Hakuta made his request known to the group. "I can't believe you of all people want to ask us all out."

"Please don't say it like that." He replied, knowing exactly how she wanted to make it sound when she also raised her volume a bit while in class. "Besides, what's wrong with me asking you guys to join me at some gaming tournament? It's basically like a convention."

"But I'm surprised you want to even go there." Said Yuusen. "You said so yourself, it's always just filled with a bunch of sweaty nerds."

"I still don't feel any differently from that." Admittedly it was a rude way he put it out to be. But the reality was that despite playing video games all the time and lamenting that his friends didn't share his passion. Hakuta also didn't want to actually hang out with those who were known to be into them at school. Most of them were what he would consider a bit annoying to be around, which was funny considering he already thought most people around him were annoying. "But at least I got you guys."

"Obviously Hakuta just wants some people he's comfortable with if he's going somewhere filled with strangers." Iruka was one of the few who were on board with the plan immediately. Aside from wanting a chance to get to know someone like him. She was happy with an opportunity to not have to be the one to come up with plans for the weekend.

"That's a good point." Shiuka also agreed. "Plus, I think it would be fun to try something new." While she wasn't personally interested in some random gaming tournament. It would be cool to watch him duke it out with people who were considered good. At least it wouldn't be her getting her butt kicked by him every time they played anything remotely competitive.

"Come on, is it that hard to do something I like for a change?" Asked Hakuta. "I'm always having to be dragged along to whatever weird things you guys want to do."

"But there's only one of you, and a ton of us." Rouko countered. "It's just a lot easier for you to adapt than the other way around."

"Except I do that all the time for you guys." He retorted. "I mean, at some point I need something so we can keep it even?"

"You're not wrong about that." Said Itsuki. "You know what? Yeah sure, me and Yuusen will join you. I mean, we're all best buds, right?" The bigger boy wrapped an arm around each of the other's necks to pull them into a tight group hug. Except it was a group hug where only one person was doing all the hugging.

"Sure we are." He replied with a sarcastic tone. Sometimes it didn't feel that way, but these were his only friends growing up. "Now maybe you could let go?"

"Yeah." Yuusen added in. "Kind of hard to breath with you bearing over us buddy."

"Ahaha, no problem." He released his grip from the pair. It was a good thing they never got on his bad side. Even two versus one, they would likely lose in a battle against him. But this was Itsuki, not even a fly would be harmed by him. Not on purpose at least.

"I suppose if you girls aren't into what I'm into, then you don't need to come along." Said Hakuta once he was free from the tight grip of his friend. "No point in forcing you all."

"Are you implying that girls can't like video games?" Rouko asked with a mischievous smile on her face. "I never took you to be the stereotypical kind."

"That is exactly what I'm saying because you're all making this so hard." He argued back. "And no, playing 'Someone's Sus' doesn't make you a real gamer."

"Oh I love that game." Iruka giggled. "It's funny to call people sus in real life!" He rolled his eyes. If he never heard that word ever again, it would be too soon. "Anyway, I don't know much about video games, but I still want to go anyway."

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