Chapter 17: Other Teamwork

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As sports day went on, it was time for Hakuta to show off his training. Not to impress anyone, but more accurately to ensure what he had done over the past week wasn't a complete waste of time. Though it might as well be a waste of time seeing as the boy didn't plan on keeping up that work regimen. So his life wasn't going to see the fruits of his labor for long.

"So what's our next contest?" He asked as they left the track. Apparently their next competition against the other students was going to be badminton. Specifically contests of two-on-two for classes to try and earn points with them. It wasn't supposed to be a tournament, so basically half of the contestants were going to be getting something for their classes one way or another.

"Teams of two?" Said Shiuka. "Then, can me and Hakuta-"

"I'll team up with Hakuta." Rouko cut in before she was able to make the suggestion. "You already got to run with the others while the two of us just sat on our butts." She made a good point. This day was also about fairness, so the pair yet to compete should get their shot now. "Hope you don't got a problem with that."

"No..." She was disappointed about this turn of events. But there was no way to argue against it. "Go ahead."

"Don't worry, we'll make sure to scoop up some points." He said. Admittedly, Hakuta was disappointed as much as she was about not being able to be partners. Considering their teamwork during that arcade game, and all of the experience together with dancing. It was likely they'd be able to sweep the competition without a sweat.

"Fufufu." Quietly, Rouko chuckled to herself. Her plan was coming all together now. Well, it wasn't a plan created weeks in advanced. More like, she was doing things as they went about. Which wasn't a plan at all.

Anyway, the more important detail was her motivation to her actions. It was clear to her that he was special to her friend in some manner. Which made little sense as they rarely hung out together as far as she was aware. Why was Shiuka acting in this way? This was what she wanted to find out.

Also, she liked seeing her friends squirm under the stress as she pulled away the boy from her.

"So, do you know how to play badminton?" He asked as they got their rackets and shuttlecock for some warm up before competing against real people.

"Nope, nada." Despite having zero experience, she was still dead set on playing by his side. "And I take it someone who plays videos games all day doesn't have a clue either."

"Well, just because you're right doesn't mean I'm doing to suck at this." At the very least, the pair were aware of the rules to the game. It was simple, hit the shuttlecock over the net. Don't let it touch the ground on your side and try to create situations to challenge your opponent so they fail to return it. Simple, but not going to be easy considering those they were competing against were doing the same thing.

It also wasn't going to be easy for him seeing who was by his side. While Hakuta was concerned about the lack of chemistry between them to make the team work. Rouko had other ideas in mind. Specifically, how could she rile up her friend even more by taking this precious time with him away from her.

"You should make sure to get plenty of pictures of us." She called out to the photographers. To people who didn't know her, the girl's tone of voice could easily food anyone into things she was just some naive innocent high school teenager. "I wanna make sure we remember all the wonderful things we did." It was easy to get the attention of some of the boys with cameras. After all, who could resist the temptation of a cute girl playing a sport in such a cute manner?

"Oh geez." Hakuta was worried as more people's attentions were drawn towards them. It only served to make him more concerned about looking stupid in front of everyone. Worst of all, some had cameras so the memories were going to be permanent good or bad. "Well, I hope the two of us do well." He spoke with cautious optimism.

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