Chapter 2: Living Arrangements

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He couldn't believe what he was seeing. This had to be a dream, it just had to be. Hakuta pinched himself in the arm, then the cheek, and pretty much everywhere on his body just to be told this was merely just a nightmare. However, the pain he felt across his entire body told him that this was indeed reality.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" Shiuka was also in the same boat as him in sharing his disbelief over the situation. She took displeasure in the sight that the girl wanted to ensure this was not some kind of illusion standing before her. So of course, she wanted to make for certain he was real by taking a hold of the boy's face and shaking it back and forth. As if hoping he would go out in a trail of smoke and she could get back to living her usual life.

"Okay, okay, I'm real!" He responded irritated from her forceful shaking. Somehow both their methods to determin if a situation was occurring in front of them were to cause only him bodily harm.

"Hmm, do you two know each other?" Their dads were not as displeased with the circumstances. In fact, upon learning that their children were classmates filled them with joy.

"That's great!" Said Toukou. "Now you don't have to worry about getting to know her. It's nice to see you're already friends." The kids were unsure of how this man took what he saw from them and assumed they were close. That couldn't possibly be further from the truth. If anything, it would be more accurate to say they were enemies. Though that would be an exaggeration.

"Yeah, that'll save a lot of time by skipping the 'getting to know each other' phase." Her dad was also pleased with the situation.

"As if." Hakuta responded. "I'm not going to live under the same roof as her." He was majorly disappointed that things turned out this way. The hope of the girl being prim and proper was something that got him a bit excited on the prospect of living with a person like that. Now he was stuck with something far worse than the boy could ever have imagined. A gyaru was the single worst kind of person he could be sharing a home with.

"But, we already brought in your stuff." Not everything was sold from his families home. Given the circumstances, Toukou did have the mind to save the boy's clothes so that he'd have something to live with while here.

"Don't worry about him." Speaking of his father, the man also seemed to be quite at peace over his son's defiance. "How about we all go inside?"

"Well, I'm not." Hakuta crossed his arms and sat down on the bench situated in front of the house. "I'll just come up with something else to live while you're gone." In fact, they hadn't even discussed when his dad was going to be leaving.

"Well, you can sit out here all by yourself like the loser you are." Shiuka stuck out a tongue at him, mocking the boy as she was the first one walking inside. Presumably, she was going to immediately head inside her room to lock herself in their as she was quite upset with her father on this matter.

"Are you sure you want to stay out here?" Kankichi, who was Shiuka's father, was more concerned for the boy than his own actual father. "I hear it's going to-"

"Don't worry about him." Again, Toukou continued to show zero concern for his child. "Things have a way of working out." For whatever reason, he was confident his boy would change his mind. With that, he convinced the other man to go inside and leave Hakuta to sit outside to stew on his mind.

The nerve of this man, he thought to himself. Of all the people that could've been his friend, it just had to be the father to that ape of a girl. His life really just had to take him in this direction, and only just after a month since starting high school.

As he sat alone, the boy felt something strange land onto his arm. It was a drop of water. This prompted him to look straight up into the air, where he saw dark clouds had formed right above him. Then, as if right on cue, a torrent of water dropped right onto him. In a flash of lightning, Hakuta went from bone-dry to soaking wet. This was turning out to be quite possibly the worst day of his life...

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