Chapter 40: The Great Escape

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"Whoa whoa whoa." Iruka quickly responded to such a strong inquiry. "That's not what happened at all." She denied it as hard as she could. The girl knew the truth and this was far from it. "I'm not trying to encroch on your friend, if that's what you're thinking."

"But that makes a lot more sense to me." Shiuka continued on with her line of thinking. "I'm sorry if he really did hurt you. I know Hakuta personally, as you already know, and he's a nice guy. So I'm sure he has his reasons for doing what he did."

"I already told you that I'm not looking to date him." She once against clarified. "Um, if you're into Hakuta, then you don't have to worry about me being the one trying to take him away."

"I don't like Hakuta." She denied it with full force. Even more so than Iruka did in denying any potential confessions or rejections. "We don't live together because of choice. You already know that."

"That part is fine with me, but you don't make that much sense to me." Iruka admittedly they hardly knew one another, so it wasn't like she had much of a clue on how normal anyone from this school was actually like. "It just seems like you really care deeply for him more than I thought you would."

"Well, you don't make that much sense either." Shiuka only turned it around by saying the same exact thing. "How come you want to be friends with Hakuta so much? It looked like it really hurt you when he apparently told you he didn't want to be friends."

"Heh..." Iruka chuckled, thinking deeply about her reasons. "I guess I really don't make much sense to any of you."

As they were talking to each other during their bathroom break, Hakuta was still trying to figure things out during this hangout. He didn't want Ninka's attention. Why would he? Not only did he not hold any romantic feelings for her, but he also already knew about Yuusen's intentions with her. So there were multiple reasons for him to avoid her.

"Man, they're taking a long time." Said Ninka who laid back into her seat, then subtly placed her arm over his shoulder. Were he actually into her, he might actually enjoy it. Unfortunately this was not the case and all it succeeded in doing was making him anxious on how Yuusen felt about it. "Guess it's not an entirely bad thing." She said, staring right into his eyes.

"Hopefully not too long." He wormed his way out of her grasp to avoid appearing that they were an item. "I would like to go home. You know, I wasn't planning on sticking around after the store anyway." Hakuta reminded them of his initial arrival as a means to come up with any excuse.

He still had his goal on trying to get his friend with this girl, even if she didn't seem interested. The first reason was obvious, but the second was also in the hopes of getting her to change her mind in trying to chase him. The last thing this boy needed was some girl he didn't like trying to get him to like her.

So what was he to do to try and avoid any more drama? Ninka was a rather strong willed girl, so whenever she wanted something, she normally would do a ton of things to get what she wanted. It appeared that the feelings of others were usually secondary to her attempts, given she was perfectly fine with breaking up with her last boyfriend with few worries.

When he thought back on the poor boy, Hakuta also knew he wouldn't want to date her after that happened. There was no way his heart that had yet to experience love would want to also experience pain in that manner. At least, he would like to avoid it for as long as possible.

"We're ba~ck." As he sat in thought trying to figure out his plans. Shiuka and Iruka finally returned from their little bathroom trip. Unfortunately he still had yet to come up with anything concrete. "Looks like you all already want to go home."

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