Chapter 5: Dialogue Options

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This was bad. Hakuta found himself cornered by the two girls as they both put up an arm on both sides. This made any potential escapes impossible for him. The look on both their eyes were filled with suspicion towards him.

"What are you trying to hide?" The first one spoke. This one was Ninka Ichida. She had tanned skin and was the one who recently got a boyfriend given what he had heard from their loud conversation. That was the girl he didn't want to get on the wrong side of, seeing as she was larger than him.

"You were acting so sus back in class." The other one was Rouko Sugisawa. There wasn't much he could say about her other than the amount of tricks she pulled on her own friends was staggering. This would be considered a person he'd say was a wild card in that friend group.

Also, he couldn't help but notice the choice of words she used to him. Despite having his life being threatened, Hakuta had to give a stare of displeasure towards the girl on his right. Did she really just say he was 'sus'? Obviously he knew where she got that vocabulary from, even if it was unlikely any of these gyarus even played the game it originated from.

Great... Now he was given some bad memories of being called such a term while playing it with online friends. As he learned, normal people made for horrible detectives.

But getting back on track, there were other things for him to be worried about. Such as how he was going to get out of this situation without giving up the secret. That meant his goals were to convince them he meant nothing strange with his actions. Then afterwards, be allowed to go back home without them following him. Somehow, he was to gain their trust in order to be allowed something so sacred.

How was he going to plan on pulling that off? He wasn't a boy known for being a smooth talker. Plus, Ninka didn't seem like the type who wanted to talk right now. Actually, now that he was taking a view of the situation, this was reminding him of something. Right, that RPG game he was playing yesterday. It had put his character through circumstances just like this one.

There were dialogue options placed before every major decision. Bad ones took him on more challenging paths, or ruined relationships that were important to the plot. However, good ones allowed him to gain some powerful items and allies. So that was how he needed to view what he was in right now. To consider that out of all the options available to him, one, or even more, were the correct ones to save the day.

"I don't see what's wrong with taking concern over a sick classmate." It was time to begin his efforts. One wrong move and he'd be a goner.

"But you know we're, like, friends with her?" It was a good point brought up by Rouko. Wouldn't it have made more sense that those close to the person in question be the ones to drop by?

"And that's the problem." Which is why his counter was to use the idea against itself. "You're too close. Aside from the obvious you goofing off with her and forgeting about her homework, did you forget she's sick?" If they decided to spent the day with her as she got better. It was entirely possible they'd end up with the same illness she caught.

"But why does it have to be you?" Asked Ninka. He could feel the force she was using to push up against the wall. Their interrogation continued on him, and they were certainly putting the pressure on him. That was mainly caused by their rather large bosoms getting up closer to his face. "Do you even know where she lives?"

"Our fathers work together." Again, he used the advantage of the truth to go against them. Though his glasses were fogging up from the heat gathering between them, he was able to maintain composure by not lying at the moment. They'd probably be able to pick up on his nervousness if he did so. "So we know where each other lives."

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