Chapter 53: Ride Home (Vol. 2 End)

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After a long day at the gaming event, things had wound down after the matches were played. A lot of people had a good time, Hakuta included. It even seemed like his friends were able to find some things to enjoy as well.

There was one person he thought might not have enjoyed herself. That would be Ninka. He felt bad that it was likely all his fault if she was unhappy the entire time. The last thing he wanted to do was make her feel as though this was a wasted day.

Sure, she had come into this with the intentions of flirting with him and making him hers. So eventually he had to do something since there was no way that would last the entire day. Hakuta simply didn't mean to upset her to the point where she didn't even want to talk to him.

Then it got to the point where she admitted her plans on not dating him fully to avoid getting to close. As well as how she knew he only cared about Shiuka, so there was no point in trying to mend the bridge between them. He would disagree, but their conversation was cut off before he was able to try and plead his case.

So was he supposed to give up and just not be close to Ninka anymore? While they weren't particularly close in the first place. He didn't want to have a negative relationship with the girl. His chat with Shiuka didn't help all that much. For whatever reason, she wasn't interested in helping him out much with mending a relationship with one of her closest friends.

"Shame it's already over." Said Hakuta as they waited for the bus. As it was in the morning, there were dozens of people planning on doing the same as them. The bus was likely going to be full once again where they would struggle to find good spots.

"How about we sit the same way we did last time?" Rouko suggested. His ears perked up upon hearing the suggestion. If they did so, then that would mean he would yet again be riding back with Ninka of all people. Was she crazy? Clearly she had to be aware things weren't good between them. Even if she wanted to make fun of Hakuta, didn't she want her own personal friend to not be uncomfortable.

"I can live with that." Ninka accepted the idea. It surprised him to see her not make any effort to try and change the plans by her friend. Was it because she wanted to sit next to him again? Or was he overthinking things, and she simply was too tired to bother arguing and planned on not talking with him on the way back. "Come on Hakuta, let's go."

She took him by the arm to lead the way ahead of the others so they would be able to find a pair of seats for themselves. Hopefully their friends would be able to secure the back seats for their own ride back home.

"Um, Ninka." He spoke nervously as she tugged him along. "You know, you don't have to force yourself."

"You don't need to worry about me." She replied in a straightforward manner. "I'm not some baby, you're not going to kill me."


"I don't care if I'm stuck with you again." She found them a spot and pulled him in so that he would get the window seat once more.

"Are you sure you don't want to switch places?" He offered her the supposedly more premium window over the aisle. Though this was more for him, as at least with an aisle seat he could make a run for it if needed.

"No." She sat down, making it clear that this was her spot and he had gotten his. Now Hakuta was trapped away from the others with her giving him a death stare. If she wanted to, she could murder him and hide the body under the seats.

"Look, I said I'm sorry." He told her as the bus departed from the station. Now they were a good half hour on their trip alone. Hakuta peered back to see his friend were able to sit in the back. The looks on their faces made that position appear much funner than what he received. The boy couldn't help but feel envy over how these circumstances turned out.

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