Chapter 94: Bathroom Break

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After a long winded rant onto why she would never confess to Hakuta, mainly due to her only liking him as a friend. Iruka finally calmed down to a state where he was able to say something back in their conversation.

"You didn't put anything in her drink, did you?" He asked the bartender.

"This is an underage party, why would I do that?" His response unsurprisingly stated he had nothing to do with that other than being the one to set her off. "I swear, people always think I'm doing that. You guys are kids!"

"Sorry, that was a bit rude of me." Hakuta took a step back and understood it was his friend who were the rude ones in this world. "Geez you don't need to get all worked up so easily." He scolded the girl, who gave the people around them a good show.

"I'm sorry." She hung her head, begging for his forgiveness. "I just don't want you to get the wrong idea of me."

"I don't think the world would end if you actually had a crush on me." He replied. While it would throw a wrench in his life, Hakuta could always reject her. Then again, this was Iruka he was talking to. His heart would feel terrible if he had to actually break her heart.

"Well there's no worries about that anymore." She laughed, returning back to her usual mood once the air got cleared up between them.

"Yeah, but speaking of worries." He got up from his seat. "I need to go use the restroom real quick here." She had handed him a drink earlier that had been saved, then bought him a smoothie shortly thereafter. It was no surprise all this had to go somewhere for the boy.

"You could just run into the ocean really fast." She suggested, which he shot down in an instant.

"The restrooms are just over there!" He pointed them out. "And I was hoping you weren't one of those people." Hakuta commented on her suggestion. There was no way he'd ever consider using the sea for a place to relieve himself. Especially not after she just suggested he do that in front of all the people around them. Then they'd definitely know what he was up to.

He left her alone with the idea that he'd be returning soon after taking care of himself. Which at first seemed like what would occur as he went into the restroom, used them, washed his hands, then walked out.

It was after this point that things began to no longer follow the plan as his eyes spotted Ino walking by. Hakuta was faced with a difficult choice before him. He shouldn't leave Iruka waiting for him at the bar. If she was alone there, then perhaps someone might bother her.

At the same time, she could take care of herself. However there were not many opportunities for him to have the ability to talk to Ino, especially not alone with her in particular. It was nice before, but they were also saddled with that boy and Rouko at the same time.

This time would be different. If he could, then maybe Hakuta could get something done between them. If not, then maybe it was time to give up.

He took one deep breath and made his choice. "I'm sorry, Iruka." He muttered under his breath, as if hoping she might've heard his feelings among the loud noise surrounding them at this party. "Ino!" Hakuta called out to the girl, which got her to stop moving towards her original destination.

"Oh, it's you." She didn't sound happy to see him as he approached. "I noticed the rest of your friends found their way here. So I'm surprised you're just not bothering with them seeing as they want to actually be with you."

"Because I want to be with you, is that so hard to understand?" His frustrations on the matter had bubbled up from her constant coldness towards him. Hakuta didn't mean to, but it had come out that way from his voice.

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