Chapter 89: A new Challenger Arrives

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"You boys really do have a one-tracked mind, don't you?" Rouko said as she was forced to follow him along. Hakuta had a goal in mind as he quickly moved past the large crowd of people simply enjoying their day to make his way to the TV set. "Do you have any other hobbies?"

"No, and it's not like you need to stick with me." He responded as they got through a tightly packed area. "But if you're going to be with me, then we might as well not get seperated." The boy took her hand and led her along the crowd as if they weren't just playing pretend relationships anymore.

"If you were this assertive about everything like you are video games, then you'd be swimming in the ladies by now." She commented on the sudden fire in his eyes. He would've easily gotten some girl to fall for him and act like he was the male lead on a popular shojo manga.

"Is this just our bit?" He replied, wondering what it was about the pair that they both felt the need to critique the other on how they lived life. Hakuta was always thinking she took things too far in her gyaru persona and her outfits. Meanwhile all she ever did was make fun of the way he happened to love video games.

If this really was what was special about their relationship, then he'd much rather be hanging out with Shiuka right now. But alas, the boy had already made his decision. There was no other option but to see things out to the end.

On the bright side, as long as things went well. They'd all be enjoying a concert by a popular idol by nightfall. Not that he cared about that kind of stuff, but it did seem like a fun time even to a grump like him.

"We're here now." She said once they arrived to the makeshift beach chairs for people to sit on to enjoy a video game set up. Though there weren't many people here. In fact, it was more accurate to say it was only one boy all alone. "You can let go of my hand too." She shook him off and promptly kept her hands close to her body so he could no long easily take them.

"Hey, are you just playing all by yourself?" Hakuta spoke up, grabbing the boy's attention.

"Huh?" It was barely enough to break the small boy's attention, but it was enough. When he turned to look at them, they could see his black hair covering off one side of his face. Despite appearing that he wouldn't be the type to spend much time outside, it seemed he had a healthy complexion. "Huh, I didn't think anyone would be interested in joining me."

He also didn't appear to be shy despite being a person surrounded by dozens, maybe even a hundred people, and still being all by himself. For a moment, Hakuta envied this guy.

"You are a lonely guy playing video games in the middle of a beach party." Rouko responded to the boy's surprised question.

"That's only because my friends aren't here yet." He explained. "They're taking care of some things with an important person. After everything I've been through, I'd rather not bother with all those adventures again." He spaced off a bit, remembering what he had already gone through. "Wait, have I met either of you before?" While Hakuta appeared too generic to have a good idea on where they could've seen each other. Rouko's appear was much more unique that he could've sworn there was a time when he met a girl who looked like her.

"Anyway, can I join you?" Hakuta finally spoke up about the reason he came here in the first place. "It looks like you're playing 'Bash Sisters Max'. I've always wanted to try that game out." It was the latest in the entry of the long running fighting game which features characters from many different franchises. Chances were they had a character everyone really liked.

"Sure, I only got two controllers though so..."

"Don't worry about it." Said Rouko as she and Hakuta both sat down taking both sides of the boy. "I'm not interested in playing with you guys anyway."

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