Chapter 32: The two of us

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Sitting besides her was the last thing Hakuta wanted to do. For starters, she was basically a stranger to him. Sure they knew each other in class and even sat near the other, but she was a new student. They barely a conversation and she already called him by first name. Something which did irritate him a bit.

The other problem was due to how she laid on this couch. Were she to have given him a spot where he'd sit by her laying head, he could live with that. However, she instead only gave him room to sit where her feet were. Which meant he also got to be sitting in a spot where her short skirt would have a challenging him hiding away any indecency.

"Uh, maybe you could move over for me?" He asked, attempting to get her to allow him to sit by her head instead.

"What's wrong with this?" She countered, refusing the suggestion. "Besides, it's comfy to rest my head here." He gently shook his head in disappointment. These kinds of girls were either heavily unaware of their surroundings or she knew exactly what she was doing. "Now come on, just sit down here." Iruka tapped her foot on the spot she wanted him to take a seat at.

"Fine." He relented and took the free spot on the couch. Hakuta kept his face towards the TV, not even trying to look at her as they waited for the other two to return. It was strange for him to not say much while sitting besides someone in a room. Things were already bad enough that she was inside what might be considered his home. Yet she sure acted like this was her place, not his.

"So what do you normally do here?" She broke the awkward silence between them as they continued to wait. "I can't imagine this is all you do." He hadn't done much at all while she was here. Mainly because he was uncomfortable in acting in his natural manner with her around. "Got any hobbies?"

"Well, I like to play video games." He didn't want to not respond to her inquires. Then it would be plain to see that he didn't want to talk. Even if it were the case, if her dad was going to be working for Kankichi, the man kind enough to allow him a home. Then he didn't want to be the one to ruin this work relationship.

"Nice." She bent up her leg to get into a more comfortable position as she continued to lay down. Her skirt fell a bit down towards her body, giving off more of her legs and eventually what was hidden underneath. His body tensed up as he tried to resist the temptation of peeking at this girl he barely knew. Despite her careless nature, he couldn't tell if she might also be the type of person to get upset if he really did try to look. "What kind of games?"

"Can't say I have a favorite genre." He answered. She kept up on giving him questions he didn't want to answer. Hakuta hoped she would get the hint and avoid him from his lack of engagement in this conversation. "Mostly just stuff I can play by myself is good enough for me."

"You ever play 'Someone's Sus'?" She lifted herself up into a sitting position when she asked her next question. It certainly got her more perked up in trying to figure out what his hobby entailed.

"Just a little bit." He was disappointed to see yet another gyaru only caring about the latest trend when it came to what was popular with many streamers and gamers online. Hakuta turned to her to give his answer to her, now that they were more on the same level. "Not really for me, if you ask me."

"Aw..." It was her turn to be disappointed. Iruka fell backwards once again to return to her original position. He hadn't expected this as he watched her lay back down, her landing caused her outfit to follow along in shuffling about. This gave him a view as plain as day of the underwear she wore.

Iruka was much less innocent compared to her gyaru counterpart in Shiuka. At least in what she wore. Underneath she had on a pair of black, lacy panties. A surprising contrast compared to her naive act in both talking to him and how her body acted. They fit tightly onto her booty, even from the angle he had got from her showcase to his eyes.

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