Chapter 68: Studying Hakuta

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With the ability to turn towards Shiuka as well during the little study session with all their friends. Hakuta felt much more confident he would be able to deal with the night. Since he wouldn't have to worry so much about being stuck with Ninka the entire time. Not that she didn't try, of course.

"Yo Hakuta." She called to him, tapping the boy hard on the shoulder. "How do you do this?" Ninka asked, forcing him to abandon Shiuka for a little bit. He would have no other choice but to offer his aid, which would eventually annoy the other girl after it seemed he had been pointed away for a little too long.

"Hakuta, what's this about?" She grabbed his shoulder to direct his view towards her homework. Of course he would again turn towards her to help the girl out. This would then repeat with Ninka taking his attention and Shiuka doing it in return.

"Wow." Yuusen commented on the display he and Ituski were given. "Those girls really needed his help. Good thing Hakuta's smart or else we wouldn't be able to see them during summer break."

Hakuta sighed as he was made to go back and forth between the pair. Eventually it reached the point where he hadn't even gotten the chance to tutor either of the two anything. They simply were pulling him back to them as soon as the other had pulled him to them.

"Okay!" He had finally lost his patience and put a stop to their bickering. "I need to do my work too. It would kind of suck if I was the one who got stuck with summer work." This appeared to be enough to get the girls off his back for now. Hakuta took another deep sigh now that he got some freedom and began looking over his own homework.

This finally gave him reprieve from their pestering, but the boy knew it wouldn't last forever. There was always bound to be something from someone.

"Well, I might as well go use the bathroom then." Said Ninka as she stood up. "Hakuta, maybe you need a little bit of a break before you get finished with your own stuff."

"I don't really know why that'd means I need to use the bathroom with you though." He replied, confused.

"My." She crossed her arms and bent down to his sitting level as she stood above him. There was a smug smile on her face as she stared him down. "Aren't you being a bit presumptuous? Thinking we'd go to the bathroom together. That is unless you want to watch me-"

"Just shut up." He cut her off before she could continue to embarrass him in front of all their friends. "Anyway I guess you got a point. I could take a short break here while you're gone." She giggled, content with her method of mocking him as the girl left her room unattended with everyone else inside.

"Good thing we're taking a break now." Rouko spoke, stretching out her body as most of them got up from their seats. "I'm so tired, this stuff is boring." She then laid herself out on Ninka's bed and basically took a nap.

"You know, I haven't had the chance to say this yet." Said Iruka, as she shut her notebook despite taking a grand total of zero notes. "I've never been in Ninka's room before and its so cute!"

"It's certainly interesting alright." He agreed, scanning their surroundings. Ninka definitely had a room fitting of her style. It was bright and colorful, which reminded him of Shiuka's room back at home. Yet at the same time, it had some of the edge he had come to expect from her given her dating experience compared to that of her friends.

Her bed, while having some bright colors on it, lacked any stuffed animals. On her desk, there was a bunch of magazines scattered about. And judging by the pile of clothes hanging out by the corner, he was certain this place normally was a mess and she only prepared it because all of them were coming. "I wonder what she normally does here when she's alone?"

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