Chapter 86: She's not Doing it

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"Ugh, how do I always find myself in these situations?" Hakuta asked himself out loud as he found himself being carried by Iruka by sitting atop her shoulders as he did a strange splash battled against Ninka while she was supported by Itsuki.

Their group had come up with this idea, and while Yuusen had wanted to be the one holding up Iruka. She instead asked to have Hakuta do it instead, much to his chagrin. However people like him were not known for their strength, so the boy attempted and was immediately reminded of Ninka's ambush on him not long ago as he nearly plunged under the waters and drowned from Iruka's rather large butt.

She didn't give up on wanting him as a partner though, despite the pitiful display. So they instead swapped places and now he was the one being carried by her as they played with the others. Heavily wounding his pride in the process as well as likely getting Yuusen upset at him yet again.

His pride would also get more damaged as the boy found himself overpowered during their splashing battle. He, along with Iruka, found themselves tumbling into the waters once their opponents were victorious.

"Whoo!" Ninka put up both her arms to celebrate her hard fought win over the pair with her teammate in Yuusen.

"Yeah, yeah, you won." Hakuta spoke once he resurfaced from under the waters. "That's more than enough adventure for me. So Yuusen, you can take my place if everyone wants to play more." He looked around towards the beach, which was where the boy spotted the two girls who had left them. Considering who they specifically they were, he couldn't deny having some concern over what topic they had for a conversational piece.

"Yoohoo, hope you didn't have too much fun without us." Rouko announced their return with a bit of flair to her wave to them.

"Of course not." Ninka replied to her, laying back into the water. Now looking up towards the sky, she was feeling the effects of the summer heat. "Phew, I'm thirsty. We should go get some drinks."

"Sounds good to me." Hakuta felt his own throat getting a bit dry from an already long day for him. It was likely due to all the talking he had done with the others. Either that, or the salt from the ocean water getting to him. "I'll just head to the vending machines over there."

"Actually, how about just Ninka, Iruka, and the other boys go grab everyone some drinks?" Shiuka suggested not everyone go. After all, they already had an idea of what the others would enjoy on a day such as today. Plus she had already been there herself, so it was a bit of a pointless trip for the girl. Not to mention she had her own motives for wanting some alone time. "Me and Rouko's already done plenty of walking."

"That sounds great to me." Yuusen took what he believed to be a great opportunity. So far today had been a wash when it came to interference from Hakuta. So he knew he needed to do as much as possible whenever that boy wasn't around.

"Boy I'm sure glad to finally get a break." Hakuta crawled out of the water to lay himself down right along the shoreline. This allowed the water's waves to sweep up and down, covering him with water only to wash away back into the ocean. "So how have you two been?" He asked.

"Hmm, that's a good question." The pair of girls both walked to him, there feet set right besides his head as they both stood above him.

"Uh..." This certainly gave him an interesting view from beneath the girls. Which only made things a bit more embarrassing for him seeing as they were both in their swimsuits and he got to see a lot of body. Not to mention he was also give a good comparison of the bust sizes between the girls. "Is there something going on?"

"I wouldn't say there's anything going on right now." Shiuka replied in coy fashion. "Other than I hear that a certain someone told someone else about one of my most valuable secrets."

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