Chapter 45: The Silent Treatment

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His retort to her seemed to work out rather well in Hakuta's favor. It was enough to get her to stop making any advances towards him. However this also had an unintended consequence for their relationship as well.

"Looks like we're finally here." He said as the bus pulled into their stop. He had spent the rest of their trip after their conversation in silence just watching out through the window. It wasn't bad to not have to interact with someone, but he did feel a bit strange with the usually talkative Ninka shutting up.

"..." She failed to respond to his words.

"Ninka?" He spoke again. "I said it looks like we made it." She simply stared back at him without saying a word. Then, she crossed her arms and turned away from him as the bus came to a complete stop. Nothing else was exchanged between them as soon the occupants of the bus began to trickle out of the vehicle.

Eventually, after a painfully long wait with her not even wanting to be facing towards him. The pair were able to get up from their seats and walk outside of the bus. Their friends would soon follow out with them, all of them relieved to have made it on the not so long trip.

"That wasn't so bad after all." Said Itsuki. "Hope I didn't take up too much space away from you girls."

"It was no problem." Said Rouko. To them, it didn't feel like they were cramped from him. "I hardly noticed you two at all."

"Ah, my back kind of hurts." Though that could be explained by the fact that Yuusen sacrificed a good amount of his own space for their own well being. The worst part for him would be the lack of attention and gratitude that earned him.

"We should be able to find some place to sit and rest." Said Shiuka. "Right, Hakuta?"

"I hope-"

"We're not going to be able to find it if we keep wasting talking out her." Ninka cut him off. Her tone was harsh, not at all sounding like the girl they all knew. "Now come on, let's go inside."

"She's right." He agreed with her, but it didn't do anything in getting her to want to talk with him. "We should just walk in and decide when we get inside."

Being close friends with Ninka for years now, both Shiuka and Rouko both knew something was up with her. As her friends, it was easy to react to a situation like this. This being to blame the only boy who was around her and make him out to be the villain.

"What did you do to her?" Rouko asked him quietly as they walked together as a group. "You better not have done something weird to her."

"I didn't." He replied. Hakuta knew she had to be aware of her pursuit of him. These girls barely kept secrets from each other outside of Shiuka's living situation due to obvious reasons.

"Are you sure." In true Rouko fashion, she had to turn this into another teasing moment for her to get one over him. "She's a cute girl, bet you couldn't keep your hands to yourself."

"Hmpf, I'd bet she'd rather I didn't keep my hands to myself." He retorted. "I don't know, is she really mad at me?"

"I know Ninka." She replied. "And if she's giving you the silent treatment, then you've royally messed up." He thought that was stupid. Hakuta hardly said anything to her to get her that upset. All he said was that he thought her flirting was bad because it only relied on being close and using her physical charm. Sure, that probably worked on pretty much most guys, but they should all know that a gyaru's appearance is something he would never fall for.

"Great, there's a vending machine here." Ninka spoke up for the others, still speaking in her frank manner. "I'm thirsty, we can just pick some things up here first."

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