Chapter 100: Save the Show (Vol. 4 End)

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His plan had worked, at least for now, as they finished up the song. Hakuta couldn't say it was a song he had ever heard of, but the people like it and he enjoyed that he got to sing with Ino. It was not a moment he ever thought he'd share with the girl, Especially considering they were both in swimsuits. But it was a positive one nonetheless.

"Thank you." She spoke on the microphone once the song ended. The crowd gave them good applause as the pair gave a bow. "We hope you enjoyed."

"Right." He followed her up. "I hope you liked our little show." Hakuta took a deep breath as he looked around. There was another problem to bring his mood down in an instant. "I still don't see any sign of that idol." He spoke to her.

"I don't know if we can keep this going." She replied. While the people enjoyed their performance. They were both fully aware they were not the reason people wanted to wait around. There was still the promise of a real popular idol and so far it hadn't been delivered. "They're going to find out sooner or later."

They both got worried, but fortunately their concerns didn't need to last long. Suddenly they began to hear the sounds of a song beginning. For a moment, it seemed as though another song from the game machine had already been selected, but a quickly glance at the projector screen proved nothing had changed.

Instead, when they looked over at the boy and where the projector itself was. It appeared he gave them a thumbs up as he set up the other machine the projector was originally supposed to be for. This was the moment where everything turned around as the spotlights turned from the pair and towards somewhere around the outskirts of the party.

A girl's voice began to sing in perfect harmony the first lyrics of a beautiful song. The audience erupted in cheers when they realized who it was as they turned their attention to the idol who was adorn in a lovely outfit. In the light, her blue hair glowed like the ocean lit under the full moon's shine.

"Wow, she really made it." Ino said as their 15 minutes of fame were now over. They had gone from being the center of attention to barely even being a part of the crowd. "I can't believe that girl-" She was about to speak more with him, but Hakuta cut her off when he grabbed her arm. He took her quickly to behind the stage and they hide themselves away be rushing down some steps.

"Phew, she's probably about to hit the stage. So we shouldn't get in her way." He finally broke his silence once they were free. The boy disabled his microphone and made sure she did the same. Not that anyone would be able to hear them through them as not only was the crowd too loud, but also because the game had been turned off. So their mics were useless.

"Good thinking." She complimented him as her heart still rushed from the adrenaline on having to sing on stage with him. Even though she was used to attention, it was an entirely different thing when she wasn't in control of the situation, in control of her ability on what she could say.

"Sorry I ended up dragging you into that." He commented as they peered out to the stage. There they saw the idol take her rightful place as everyone else took out light sticks and other celebratory items people brought along for concerts. "Yep, they really came for her." He said, making a remark on how none of these things were present when they were on stage.

"I'm the one who said I was joining you." She responded. "You didn't force me to do anything. I can make my own choices."

"Still, you wouldn't have had to make that choice if I wasn't acting so rash." He couldn't help but feel bad that it could've ended rather poorly for her. She was the one who had much more to lose compared to him. "She wasn't even that late, we could've just waited for 10 minutes and everything would've been fine."

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