Chapter 74: Safe (Vol. 3 End)

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The night had begun and finally Hakuta and Rouko were able to live a bit more freely. Darkness had befallen the world outside, dimming the indoors save for whatever lights happened to be on.

Hakuta's own room was in near pitch darkness after Shiuka had turned it off for him to allow what she thought the boy the chance to sleep. Which made things a bit awkward as he attempted to fumble around a bit to get out of bed and towards his own light switch to see once more.

"Phew, that was a close one." He said as he turned on the lights. "That would've looked really bad there."

"You're not wrong." She agreed, but with one caveat. "But would it really matter that much? I thought you said she wasn't into you." Rouko still believed it, but listening in on their conversation didn't appear to give her any vibes of romance. If Shiuka wanted to, she was more than free to flirt with the boy since she would've believed herself alone with the guy.

"I meant the part about you knowing." He corrected her. "I don't want Shiuka mad at me again. I care about her too much to keep upsetting her." Hakuta had done this to her multiple times at this point. Usually it was apparently accidental and he normally had no clue what the problem was. Either way, he just wanted her to be happy.

"Speaking of knowing." She wasn't going to forget that conversation he just shared with the other girl. "What's this about me not being the only other person to know about this?" Said Rouko, clearly referencing Iruka.

"That one is on her dad." He placed the blame as far from him as possible. "Iruka's dad works for her dad, so they apparently decided it was a completely good idea to let her in on that information." While it hadn't bitten either of them in the back yet. Hakuta certainly would disagree with the decision to just let someone else into their circle so easily.

"I wonder if Ms. Nice over there isn't so nice after all." She sat up cross legged on his bed and put on her thinking face. "Makes me wonder if all she's got is an act, you know, what with blackmailing you with this information."

"No, I rejected her after she found out." He said, trying to keep the record straight. "Why does everyone always think I'm being blackmailed?" Apparently people didn't trust gyarus, not even the gyarus themselves.

"Because you're an easy target for blackmail." She answered. At least, he gave the perception of being someone who was easy to get some dirt on. Since the boy was mostly unknown to his classmates due to his reclusive and anti-social behavior. Some had assumed he might be hiding away from dark secret from everyone. Such as playing certain video games with themes not appropriate for those of his age. Perhaps he might even be into certain concept which would make even those with the strongest of stomach throw up.

"I'm not." He denied any potential questionable thing she threw at him. "I'm just a normal guy who like playing video games. And I prefer being alone." Though his living situation was ripe for blackmail anyway despite his feelings on it.

"Sheesh, all this talk about being normal." She laughed off his constant reminders to everyone. "I'm pretty sure most people view you like a weirdo who can't get along." He crossed his arms and ignored what she said. This girl wasn't about to bait him into saying something stupid. "But honestly, you're not so bad."

"Huh?" He was confused by her last statement. Why would Rouko suddenly have a change of heart with him? Especially since unlike with Ninka, they haven't had a serious conversation. "What did I do?"

"If Shiuka's cool with you like this, then you're really not a bad person." She explained to him. "I always took you for the type of guy to take advantage of a girl if given the chance." And certainly it was obvious that living all alone with Shiuka for a long period gave him that opportunity. "You know, since you're kind of a girl repellent."

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