Chapter 80: By the Rocks

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Hakuta explained to Ninka how they had been set up by his friends. Which would clear up the misunderstanding, but it did nothing to keep her from taking advantage of the situation.

"Oh well." She spoke in a sarcastic manner to the news. Even if he wasn't the one to ask her to be alone here didn't mean they weren't alone here by the rocks where most didn't hang out at. Mainly due to the potential dangers of slipping and getting seriously hurt due to lack of clothing to protect the skin. "Anyway, let's go swimming." She took his arm and led the way towards the crashing waves.

"Whoa, you should be more careful." He warned her. But it was less about her safety and more about his own. Hakuta would hate for his day to end poorly and suddenly due to some scrapes or a twisted ankle. "And who said I wanted to swim with you!?" There was also the matter that she had not taken his feelings into account and rather wanted to dive in headfirst as if they were actually dating.

"Whee!" She didn't care to listen to his concerns and took them over the edge. He had no choice but to jump along with her as the pair fell into the ocean's waters with a big splash. "Now that's a rush." She said when they surfaced to get air. Despite the hot weather, or perhaps because of it, the sea felt like a shock of cold hitting into their veins.

"I prefer getting myself a bit adapted first." He said, spitting out the salty water in his mouth. "What's so special about swimming together anyway? We're both old enough that we don't need anyone's help to swim."

"I'm honestly a little surprised you do know how to swim." She laughed with unease. "I was trying to get you to be in a bit of trouble so I could come in and swoop you up for the rescue."

"You were going to try and drown me for the sake of flirting!?" He yelled in response. That would've been a massively stupid thing to have happened if he truly had no idea on how to swim. These girls really were crazy, or at least Ninka had a poor sense of what a guy like him actually wanted in a girl. "Didn't your dad teach you that's a bad idea?" Of all people, he assumed that man to be the rational one in this situation since she had talked about him to her family.

"Actually, this was his idea." She admitted. "He said that you can man's heart racing for you if you surprise them with a display of strength and bravery."

"I see." He responded with pure and utter disappointment. "Something tells me he had something like that with your mom." Hakuta wouldn't be wrong, but he was also right in knowing that it wasn't a set up situation her mother did to save her father. Rather simply she stepped up to the challenge when the emergency ensued.

He didn't know how he would feel if a girl saved his life. A part of him wanted to believe he wouldn't be moved so greatly by those actions. At the same time, there were a lot of way he reacted that the boy never expected himself to react when it came to these tender moments. "Look, just let me swim in peace."

She would then proceed to do the complete opposite of what he had asked for. As he went deeper into the water, she would follow. If he went towards the rocky shore, she was right behind him. There was no way for Hakuta to get any distance from her because they were swimming. He might've been able to stay afloat just fine, but this didn't make him have olympic levels of speed. If only he had spent more time working out instead of gaming all these years.

"Can you stop harassing me?" He asked, still attempting to put space between himself and her. "What's wrong with letting me be?"

"But isn't it kind of lame to just swim away from each other?" She countered. "Come on, no one can see us while we're here. So really we could get away with anything we want to do." She gave him a wink. Were he an individual of low moral standing, Hakuta might've considered for a moment to do something she wouldn't like. In fact, considering her moral standing he wondered if she was considering it herself.

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