Chapter 12: Glasses

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"This is your grand idea?" He asked, unamused about the matter with this bag over his head. "I look like a moron."

"It's not like you have anything better." She countered. In her mind, given their circumstances, this was the best they could do. He was blind anyway, so it wasn't a big deal to have his vision limited more than it currently was. Also due to his inability to see, the boy was going to need someone to guide him there. With only her around to do so, they needed a good way to keep people from noticing the pair were together.

"Isn't this going to make people want to look at us?" Indeed, a sight where a girl led a boy with a paper bag around his head was odd to see. In fact, some people might be curious to stare, but probably wouldn't say anything about the matter.

"It'll be fine as long as they don't see your face." She assured him, then took the boy by the hand. Given his blind nature, he was defenseless to keep her from dragging him out of the house.

This was a new experience for him. Not only being led out in public so blind that a girl needed to show him the way. But also in the fashion that they needed to hold hands to do so. Embarrassingly, Hakuta couldn't say he ever held the hand of someone of the opposite sex. Though in this context, it was not to be taken in any way romantically. That said, Shiuka's hands were soft to the touch, nearly making him want to keep this going forever.

Of course, this wasn't going to last forever. Constantly, the girl stopped which in his blind stupor could only mean she was either embarrassed to be seen holding someone's hands. Or that she was acting diligent in keeping awareness to her surroundings. A person they knew could easily pop up out of nowhere.

"Well, isn't this a fun surprise?" Which was precisely what happened. Hakuta wasn't certain on how she could make such a mistake, but someone did see them. In fact, it was one of her friends, Ninka, who approached them. "Looks like someone's finally got a boyfriend."

"Ah!" It took a lot for Shiuka to keep herself calm. "Y-yeah, I finally bagged myself someone." The pun was lame and she knew it. "You know, you're not the only one boys can like."

"Really?" Ninka was unconvinced with the response. Especially considering what she was looking at. Usually people didn't put paper bags around their boyfriend's heads to hide them away from the public.

"Of course..." Hakuta tried to aid in getting this girl to believe them. He pretended to have a much deeper voice than usual. First because Ninka would certainly recognize his voice. And secondly, it was a partially futile effort to appear more cool than he really was. "I just l-love Shiuka so much." Those words were hard for him to say out loud. Even if it were an act, just doing so in front of her was nearly too much for the boy to handle.

"Oh, I see what's going on here." Her words brought dread into the pair's bodies. It seemed they were caught after barely getting outside for the first time. "Shiuka, you naughty girl."

"Huh?" Hakuta responded in a confused manner. Without being able to see anyone's facial expressions, he couldn't truly understand what they were saying with just words alone. Though judging from her tone, this sounded to be more of a playful thing.

"Whatever kinky things you two are into, I'll just leave you alone." As it would turn out. Ninka assumed Shiuka had a certain preference in dominating other boys. So she assumed what she was seeing was simply a way to humiliate the weaker ones into submission while she would dominate them later at home.

"Heheh, sure..." Shiuka was not a fan of someone taking her for someone with a lack of innocence. However, this was favorable for them in this moment, so that the what they both went with to convince of her their lies. "All right then, I'll see you at school." They were able to separate from her without drawing any more suspicion. This allowed the pair to breathe in a major sigh in relief that their secret was still safe.

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