The Pirate and The Prince

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Dungeons and Dragons inspired story!!

I actually had this story outlined and drafted almost a year ago lmao but only got the inspo to complete it this week!

Have fun reading 14k words!

PS. This still needs editing so forgive the rough spelling and grammar bc I write every 3am instead of sleeping.

Guards urgently pass by the massive polished stone hallways to get to their prince, Loki. Their loud, metal-clad footsteps intimidate the people they walk past, backing or scattering off out of fear. They mean business. It was a matter of importance.

The person leading the other guards took initiative to knock on the prince's door. She knocked quickly.

*knock* *knock* knock*

No answer.

She knocked again.

No answer.

"This is why I never liked the younger prince" Those words rang into her head as she knocked incessantly the third time.

To her surprise, a click sounded from the lock of the door. It gently swung open, but not a servant nor Prince Loki was present behind the door. It happened like magic.

Magic in this world wasn't uncommon. However, only a number of people can use them casually while having enough energy to use it on more important things for the rest of the day.

She peered into the room, trying to look for any figure to present themselves to her.

Suddenly, a head popped up from the long lounge chair the prince harbored in his living area.

"Has it ever occured to you that I heard your knocking the first and second time 'round?" A cool and smooth voice came from the popped up head. It was Prince Loki in his lounge clothes, his ebony hair less tidy but still in it's signature slicked back nature, with a small tie to keep it out of his pale chiseled face.

"Patience," said Loki, slowly sitting up from his previous position. "Is one of the few virtues I expect from your division, Corporal Ravkasdottir."

The Corporal soured her face, but couldn't find it in herself to form a nasty reply. Instead, she pursed her lips before bowing respectfully.

"I apologize, Your Highness. It was merely a matter of urgency," she said formally, fighting back any urge of aggression.

"How important is this?"

Corporal Ravkasdottir blew out an exhausted breath, either from stomping quite a distance or from Loki's demeanor.

"A pirate has unashamedly entered our Port. She claims to know you," she said.

Loki blanked for a moment, forgetting who may have claimed to know him from the seas.

"What does she look like?" He asked, arms crossed in thought.

Corporal Ravkasdottir began describing your appearance, from the color and length of your hair, to your height, complexion, and distinct features. She added that your ship has mass amounts of weaponry and explosives, as well as an alarming amount of flammable liquids and gas.

Loki smirked upon hearing the word "flammable," instantly remembering your ash covered face and your fiery red scaly armor.

"I do know her," Loki said after letting out a short chuckle. "Do not detain her or confiscate any of her and her crew's firearms. I called upon her."

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