Oh Dearest, Your Fangs Are Showing.

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TW // Mentions of blood and arousal, minor violence

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TW // Mentions of blood and arousal, minor violence

There were very few instances that Loki visited Midgard. He found the realm incredibly dull and the people— oh the people— all so ignorant and unaware of the real world. Midgardian technology never interested him, he thought it primitive. The food was mediocre at best, he thought. There was really nothing special about the realm.

He only came back (after 2 centuries) because his mother told him too.  Frigga told him that it was something important. She had only told him the broad location and that was it.

Loki was dropped off in England via Bifrost and immediately gathered the date.

October 31st, 1878

The air smelt of smoke and mud and he did not appreciate it one bit. Apparently, he was dropped off into one of the more less fortunate areas, almost in poverty. He observed the people, they all looked dreadful.

What sort of fates were they being led to?

Why all the misfortune?

Loki stood stiffly, before walking into a hidden alley and teleported into the heart of the country, where the economy was highest.


The roads were still muddy and narrow but the ambience of the city was much more cheerful and ambitious than the one he landed in. Most of the people who walked the streets worked hard in their field, whether it be legal or not.

Loki couldn't blame them, they needed the money to live.

And you can't really fault someone who wanted to live.

Frigga had mentioned his mission was somewhere in London, he just didn't know where exactly. It could take him days, maybe weeks at most to search for the problem.

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