Cupids Got A Gun

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Since I missed a day of school yesterday, I decided to go today. Oh my gosh, imagine all the worked that I missed! When I walked into class I saw Jeena sitting down in the back of the class. Seeing her made me realized how much I missed her.

“Jeena, girl I missed you!” I ran after her to give her a hug, but she pushed me away.

“Oh now you remember me? You haven’t called me or text me. I would like an apology. Plus, where were you yesterday?”

“I love you Jeena! I’m so sorry I didn’t call or text you. I just had a lot to take care of. I will explain everything today…if I can.” I said while sitting down and start working on this week’s project. This week we are weaving baskets.

“Mhhmmm you better start talking.” I laughed at what she said and I told her everything.

“So Roc best friend is in the hospital and has cancer so you visited him yesterday with Roc and the guy Trey has only two weeks to live?” Jeena asked as we both walked out of class. For some reason today we only have first period and then school is over. The school has some kind of inspection again.

“Yeah and now I have to go check on baby.”

“Hey when are you going to hook me up with Princeton?” She asked with excitement.

“I’ll show him a picture of you!”

“Thank you Santo!” I laughed at what she called me and drove out of school. After dropping Madison at her grandma’s house, I headed over to Chresanto’s house. As I was on the road, I started thinking about Chre’. I wonder if he’s okay. Yeah right I doubt that. He’s probably crying again. I feel so sorry for him though. I wouldn’t be able to go school if I found out Jeena was in the hospital with cancer and was going to die approximately in two weeks. Shit, I would probably never leave my house. I would be stuck in my room crying an ocean.

When I approached his house, I knocked door and Prodigy answered.

“Marie!” he hugged me and welcomed me inside.

“Hi Prodigy what’s up?” We both were sitting in the living room.

“Nothing much I’m just chilling. How are you and Chresanto now?”

“We are on good terms now. Where’s everybody?”

“Jacob is in his room and Ray Ray and I are leaving to go shoot some hoops.”

“Where’s Chresanto?”

He frowned. “He’s in his room. He has been there all day. He didn’t practice with us today at the studio. Keisha said to don’t worry about it and try to cheer him up, but he is not talking to us.” Crap.

“Alright I’ll go see what I can do to cheer him up. Tell Papi Taco I said hi. ” With that, I ran upstairs and knocked on the door.

“Leave me alone!”

“Chre’ it’s me.” He got quiet so I opened the door. The room was all in a mess and it was dark. It had broken glass on the floor, his mirror had a huge crack on it as if he punched it; basically everything beside his bed was destroyed.

I tip toed to where he was sleeping and sat next to him. “Babe, are you okay?”

“The fuck you think Taylor?” He asked harshly. “How you going to ask me that question when you know what’s up? MY BEST FRIEND IS DIEING TAYLOR!” I was about to yell back at him, until I notice bottles of alcohol on the dressing table. Shit, he’s been drinking. He then got out of bed and grabbed a bottle of Hennessey and threw it on the floor. “What?! You lost your brain while driving down here?! You suddenly got amnesia or some shit?!”

“Baby, you need to calm down.” I said while reaching for his arm. He shoved my hand away and pushed me.

“Leave me alone!”

“Chresanto let me help you. You need to stop drinking.” I said while reaching out for his hand, but he quickly movedit away.He pushed me hard and caused me to land on the floor. Oww!

“You need to leave me alone and get out of my room!” He yelled walking past me. He suddenly stopped and turned around with a sinister grin. He grabbed my arm with a tight grip.

“Chresanto let me go!” I tried pushing him off of me, but he didn’t budge. “Let me go!” He dragged me to the bed and lay on top of me.

“Keep still Taylor!” He said while unzipping his pants. Oh my gosh not right now! I don’t want to lose it like this! Since he is stronger than me, he ended up taking off my shirt and pants. My begging and pleading didn’t faze Chresanto. No no no no! What to do? What to do?

“JACOB!!!!” The minute I said his name, Jacob flew into the room and pushed Chresanto off of me. I quickly slipped back on my clothes while Chresanto was getting beat up by Jacob.

“Jacob, don’t hurt him!” I pleaded, but Jacob wasn’t listening to me. It took one last punch until Chresanto was on the floor unconscious. Jacob was breathing heavily and I started to get worried.

“Jacob, are you okay?” He turned around and brought me into a hug. I don’t know why, but the minute my head touched his chest, I started to cry.

“Don’t worry about me Tay.” He carried me into his room and I lay on the bed beside him crying.

“I don’t know why he got so mad. I just came to check on him and instead I almost got rape. He just turned into a monster.”

“That’s Chresanto when he’s drinking. I didn’t know he had alcohol in his room. If I did, I would have stopped him. Keisha already lectured him about drinking. The last time he drank, he broke into a fight with Prodigy. And that’s weird because Prodigy and Roc are buddies.”

“I understand why he is drinking, but I don’t see why he wanted to rape me. I don’t want to lose him again. I just got him…”

“Marie,” Prince said while signalling me to look at him. “I know Chre’ is an ass and you both had problems, but you have never lost him and you’ll never will. I’m guessing something really bad caused him to get drunk and hurt you. And if things go wrong again, I won’t let him hurt you. You got that?” There was something in his eyes. I don’t know. Like there was this glint shining in his eyes. Does Jacob like me? I shook that thought out of my head.

“Thanks Jacob.” I looked at the time and it was already 5:00. “I have to go. I have homework to do and I need to rest.” I said while getting up.

“Okay.” We both walked past Chre’s room and down the stairs to the door.

“Thanks for everything Jacob.”

“No problem kiddo.” He said while ruffling my hair. I waved at him and walked to my car and drove off. You know when there’s always a song for everything? Well a song on the radio came on and I had to sing it.

You watched me fall

Stood over me as I hit the ground

Then he whispered his name in my ear

Such a dark familiar sound


Cupid’s got a gun

And he shoot me with it

Cupid’s got a gun

And he shoot me with it

Now who says he’s a lover

Really he’s a murderer


I didn’t realize I was applying a lot of pressure on the gas pedal while I was getting into the song. It was raining hard all of a sudden, but I didn’t care. One second I was driving perfectly then all of a sudden I lost control of the car. I then saw flashing lights and I just passed out.

 SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT ! :( Hey I got 7,000+ Reads ! Kisses to all of ya'll ! Hope you enjoyed this chapter trust me there's soooooo much more to come . Soooooooo much meaning D R A M A ! How about 3 Votes and 5 comments for the next chapter . & I promise the next one will be longer ;) Love yaa !

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