Baby I'm Gone...

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"Where the hell is Roc?" Keisha asked. Keisha and Walter came when we came out of the room. We all shrugged.

"That boy..." Walter said and head over to the snack machine.

"Taylor have you tried calling Roc?" Jhene asked. Myles and Melody's eyes grew big and they hushed Jhene. "What?" 

"We're not together."

"You all taking a break?" I scoffed.

"No. He said we should stop talking to each other." Jhene got quiet and nodded.

All of a sudden, Roc walked in. 

"Speaking of the devil..." Justice whispered. Everyone got up ready to fight him, but he started talking. 

"I came here to say that I'm coming out of the group." Woah what did he say? "I've caused enough pain on everyone and i think it's best if i leave." Keisha stood there looking disappointed at him.

"How dare you blame Craig for me ending up in the hospital." I hissed. 

"I apologize for that. I thunk this group is better off without me. You all don't need me anyways." He checked his watch and frowned.

"Going somewhere?" Keisha asked.

"Yes. My flight will be leaving in two hours. Tell Craig that i'm sorry and if he forgives me, maybe we can chill." I rolled my eyes. "So this is goodbye. Goodnight." He was about to walk away until I yelled after him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Chresanto? You've hurt me. You've hurt Craig and now you're gonna hurt your fans?!" He turned around charging at me and started yelling too.

"I never wanted this! I never wanted all this fame! I never wanted to hurt you, Craig or anybody else! I just wanted to be a normal kid living in South Central who played football and be a vet. But I didn't! My mom forced me to that audition and I was told that I couldn't turn down Keisha! You think I'm happy?! You think I want to be here?! No! I'm not happy! At all! So if you think leaving the group is gonna hurt people then fine, because it's not COMPARED to the pain and suffering I had to go through." He took a deep breath and lowered down his voice. "I'm finally doing something for me and I'm not planning on changing my mind. I'm leaving and I'm not coming back." He looked at us and walked away.

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