The One

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Chresanto’s POV:

What the hell is her problem? We’re over! We’re done! Why does any of this matter anymore?! That was all in the past! Who she thinks she is coming into my dressing room saying about oh how she had good reasons to break up with me!? BULLSHIT! I know she hates when people yell but she needed to listen. She knows what I said was right. Every. Single. Word. Myles?! Myles?! Myles out of all people??? HA! That’s a downgrade! She can do wwwaaayyyy better than that! First of all, why would Myles even do that?! You don’t go with your friends ex’s! That’s the code! I don’t fuck with your ex you don’t fuck with mines. It’s simple.

Everyone knows about our argument. I haven’t told Prod…yet. He knows when I’m pissed, I need some space and then I’ll nag about it to him later. The guys knew I needed something to cool me down, so they put on the Xbox and started playing Black Ops. The bus stopped all of a sudden by a bridge and everyone froze. Keisha came out of the bunk area.

“I thought you all will like to see the view of all the lights for a while. I think we all need some fresh air and time to think.” Keisha said and walked off the bus. We all followed behind her.

“Where’s Taylor, Myles, and Melody?” Keisha asked.

“They’re sleeping.” Prince said.

Keisha was right. It is beautiful outside. The lights light up everywhere it was amazing to watch. I sat down on the little bump at the end of the bridge and took in my surroundings.

“Chres?” I turned and there was Prod.

“Sup?” He sat next to me.

“What happened in the dressing room?” I sighed.

“Did she tell you that she was coming in my room?” Prod nodded.

“Yeah, she said she had to settle some things with you.” I laughed.

“Why you laughing?”

“We ain’t settle shit. Girl came up in there saying but oh she had the right reasons to break up with me. I laughed and she got mad and started cursing me out saying that I should’ve brought our relationship to the public. Deep down, she knew damn well why I couldn’t do that.”

“What was the reason exactly?”

“Whatchu think fool?” I asked angrily.

“I thought you didn’t do it because of TM and how badly they would gang up on her.”

“Nah man. I wouldn’t let them do that. TM is close to my heart, but Taylor is well was closer.”

“What was the reason?”

“I was going to break it off.” I whispered.

“What?! Why?!” I felt uncomfortable all of a sudden and a tear slipped down my face.

“Because of the drama we had. We always had some damn issue man. She pissed me off, I started drinking. I almost raped her then she got into a car accident. I was hurting her inside. I loved her more than anything in the world, but I still hurt her. And the sad thing is that she took me back everytime. Every single time.” I was now heaving with tears running down my face. “She didn’t deserve me Craig. She didn’t need me in her life.”

 “Ya’ll did always have some issue. But every time ya’ll get back together, it was like it never happened. You and Taylor meant for each other. I don’t care what Taylor, Myles or anybody says. You still love her. I know that for sure.” I wiped my face in my shirt.

“How so Dr. Phil?”

“You’re girlfriend.”

“How did Melody get into this?” I asked confused.

I Will Always Be Beside You Forever (Roc Royal Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang