Where's Taylor?

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Jacob’s POV:

We were at the outlet shopping like crazy. Justice and I bought so many stuff. My hands were hurting and I was starving.

“Baby you wanna go get some French fries?” Justice asked. I don’t know what’s with this chick, but she LOVES French fries. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

“Sure.” We order a huge basket of fries to share and sat down.

“So I talked to Taylor today.” Justice said.

“Please don’t mention her name right now. I can't believe what she did. This time Justice rolled her eyes.

“Seriously? Give the girl a break! One thing a girl wants is to be alone when she’s depressed. When the people she loves around her stops talking to her she’ll feel more depressed than ever and if it’s that bad she’ll start hurting herself. She probably came here for some sort of love, but sadly she didn’t get it. How do you think she feels now that she’s hated but all of you? Don’t be surprised if she starts cutting again. Instead of being so mean to her you all need to apologize.” She said angrily while she chewed her fries. I sighed.

“You’re right.”

“I know.”

“I’ll apologize to her later.” Everyone came to us and sat by our table.

“What are you all talking about?” Prod asked while stealing some fries.

“We’re talking about how you all are being so mean to Taylor!” Justice yelled.

“Justice  can we please not talk about it? Like for real we came here to shop not to talk about some chick who cuts.” Prod said. Everyone looked at him not believing what he just said.

“She wasn’t just some chick. She was our friend and last time I checked, she was a very close friend to you Prod.” He rolled his eyes.

“Whatever. I just lost my  appetite to shopping. Ya’ll ready to go?” Prod asked.

“Yeah my arms are killing me.” Chres said holding Melody’s bags.

“Okay let’s go.” We all walked unto the bus. The bus was silent besides the bus driver snoring. Where’s Marie? I started looking around the bus but I didn’t find her.

“Hey did anyone see Taylor leave?”

“No. Why?” Jhene asked.

“I have to apologize to her. Someone wake up the bus driver. Prod woke him up and he frowned.

“Can’t I just get some rest for once?” He groaned while rubbing his neck.

“Where’s Taylor?” Roc asked.

“Who that is?” He asked.

“The girl you spoke to this morning that had on the army shirt.” Ray said rolling his eyes.

“Oh her? She left.” He said resting his head to go back to sleep.

“WHAT?!” Everyone yelled.

“Where did she go?” Prod asked. The driver was sleeping. Prod nudged him again.

“What you want now?”

“Where did she go?”

“Ugh I don’t know. She just told me there’s a note on under her pillow on the bed. Now can I go back to sleep?” Jacob rushed to her bunk and grabbed the note.

Dear everyone.” Jacob read. “First off, I would like to say I am so so so sorry for not telling you all about me hurting myself especially not telling you Prod.” Prod looked down.

“I was wrong for pushing every one of you all away. You’re right Craig; I am a pusher. Jhene. You were my first friend on this bus. I trusted you and told you one of my darkest secret and you told everyone. You betrayed me. You were like a sister to me, but now you’re just a girl that I knew.” Jhene felt bad and looked away with tears in her eyes. “

Myles. I’m sorry for leaving you like this. It was fun while it lasted. You and I both know this wasn’t going to work. I’m sorry, but we’re just not meant for each other.” Myles didn’t even budge he just stood there not caring.

“Prod and Jacob? I love you both so much. I don’t remember if I ever told you all this before but you both are one of the few that I hold close to my heart.” I started tearing up a little too. “

I understand if you hate me. I sort of hate myself too… I don’t know why I came here… But what I do know is that I belong home. My bunk is clean and my bags are gone. I’m taking a flight back home to be with my family. Thanks for everything. Love, Taylor.” I sat on her bunk and let the tears run down my face.

She’s gone for good?” Jhene asked with tears running down her eyes. Everyone stood there shocked.

“I’m going to try and reach her.” Chresanto said while walking to his room.

Chresanto’s POV:

I walked to my bunk and dialed her number and it went straight to voicemail. I called again and it went to her voicemail again. I sighed and left a message.

“Hey Taylor. We’re all worried about you. Call us back please.” I said and hung up. I sat down in my bunk and stared at the ceiling. What if she left because I confessed my love to her? Wait, that wouldn’t make sense because she mostly came on the tour to get with me? I sighed and started scrolling through my phone. I didn’t notice I had a voicemail so I called it.

“Hey Chres. I’m sorry for leaving you all just like that, but then again they wouldn’t care only you. I’m just calling to thank you for being there for me. I know you still love me will always be there for me, but I don’t know if I want to be in a relationship right now. No it’s not you. I promise you that. You’re amazing and any girl will be lucky to have you. I hope Melody treats you right and you do the same vice versa. It was fun while it lasted Chres. I lo- shit. I wasn’t supposed to say that. Bye Chres.” I smiled. She loves me and she knows it. Everyone was in their bunk sleeping so I went to the bus driver.

“Where is she?” I asked.

“Cardigan Hotel by the hotel.”

“You think we can spin around real quick?” He smiled at me.

“I’m heading there right now.” I smiled back.

“Thanks my man. I think I’m going to stay by her overnight.”

“We all are. Keisha is tired of being in the car she’s driving so she said the closest hotel I know and the Cardigan Hotel is the best hotel around here.”

“Thank you Keisha!” I said and went to everyone.

“Everybody, we are staying in the Cardigan Hotel today so pack some stuff.” They all groaned and start packing.

“If you all had the chance to apologize to Taylor, would you?”

“Yeah!” They all agreed.

“What if I told you I know where she at?” I asked smiling.

“She’s on a plane to Canada right now.” Prod said.

“No. She’s staying in the Cardigan Hotel.

“That’s the same hotel were staying in.” Jhene said. I smiled and nodded.

“Does she know that we are coming there?” Prince asked.

“Nope.” They all smiled and quickly packed their bags. 

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