All Smiles

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"You all packed up?" Ray asked. 

He was dropping me to the airport. Even though the airport was close, it was still sort of far. I would have to catch a cab to go their. It's a fifteen minute drive. Ray offered to drive.

"Yeah I think I got every thing." I grabbed my phone ad we walked out of my room. Justice, Prince, Myles, Melody, Keisha, and Walter stood outside my room and gave me hugs.

"Call me if you need anything okay?"Justice said. I nodded. 

After the hugs, i walked out of the hotel with Ray and Jhene and we went to the car.

"So what are you gonna do when you reach Canadia?" Jhene asked making me smile.

"It's Canada retard and I don't know. No one knows i'm coming besides my best friend." Jhene nodded.

We rolled up to the airport and Jhene stared tearing up. We unpacked my bags out of the car and now standing outside. Every thing that happened during the tour is running through my mind. Is the se thing happening to them too?

"Keep ya head up okay? I'm gonna miss yo big headed self." Ray said causing me to smile. We hugged and be ruffled my hair. "Hit me up when you reach over there."

"Will do." He walked into the car and now it was Jhene's turn to hug me. She looked up with years in her eyes and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry for everything Taylor!"I rubbed her back and silently cried with her too.

"It's okay Nene. It's okay."

"No." She whispers. "I'm sorry about getting into a fight with you." I laughed and she looked up.

"Jhene you was being real with me. And I thank you for that. The cutting part? Maybe you shouldn't have said that but I forgave you a long time ago. I love you Jhene." I said and hugged her tightly.

"I love you Taylor."

We let go an she walked into the car.

"Text me as soon as you land okay?" Jhene said. I laughed.

"Okay. Bye." I waved as they drove off and took my first few steps to the airport. My feet felt heavy. It felt like trying to walk in seawater; heavy and tiring.

"Flight to Canada." The telecom said. It felt like owl screeches in my ears. I'm leaving. I can't believe I'm doing this. I gave the lady the ticket and she smiled at me.

"Hope you had a wonderful stay in Texas. Enjoy your flight!" I wanted to shove my boarding pass down her throat for her being so giddy. I rolled my eyes and entered the plane. Canada here I come.

When I got off the plane, Jeena ran and hug me.

"Taylor you're finally here!" Tears started forming in my eyes and I sobbed in her arms. I really missed her on that trip. I'm 100% sure if she was there, it would of been better. She rubbed my back and whispered "it's okay" every couple seconds. Is it really going to be okay? For the boys? For Prod? For me? What is my mom going to say when I step foot into her house? Is she going to throw my clothes at me and tell me to never come back? Or is she gonna hug me and continuously say I'm sorry.

"Maybe we should get your favorite ice cream and be a bunch off fat ladies and eat them on the couch? Sounds like fun?" I giggled at what she said.

"Yeah." We packed our suitcases into her car and drove off. The a/c was pumping and the radio was softly playing Kendrick Lamar. She was just making me laugh at one of her babysitting stories.

"So the little rug rat decided it was okay to dump a bunch of tomato sauce in a bucket and mop the floor with it. What? Seriously? Are you kidding me? I was so angry. I demanded a $20 bonus and she gave me it." I continued laughing and sighed.

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