Get Out

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This chapter is dedicated to this cool ass chick @TaishaFrancis for liking all my ish ! Love ya girl & thank you so much ! :) Anyways, here ya go !

Chresanto's POV :

I woke up with a massive headache. What the fuck happened? I got up out of bed and suddenly fell down. Oh fuck my side hurts. I looked around and EVERYTHING was destroyed. I had alcohol all over the place. Shit, I was drinking again! I don’t even remember buying those bottles!

I grabbed a towel and got into the shower to see if I can recollect what happened. Nothing. I couldn’t remember anything that happened. When I got out of the shower, I called Taylor to see what she was up to. No answer. What is going on? I called her again. No answer. Okay maybe she’s busy doing something.

I changed into some jeans and a white t-shirt and walked downstairs to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen all the guys were there talking silently. When they noticed me standing there, their faces showed complete anger, especially Jacob.

“Hey what’s going on?” I asked. I guess that was the wrong question to ask because Jacob came charging at me, but Prod and Ray held him back.

“Let go of me!” He yelled. The guys hesitated before letting him go.

“The fuck is your problem Jake!?”

“You are the fucking problem! Why did you hurt her?”

“Hurt her? I don’t remember ANYTHING that happened!”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t have been drinking in the first place! You fucking bitch I hate you!”

 “Okay OKAY! Alright? Ya’ll need to stay away from each other. End of conversation.” Prod said and walked out the kitchen. Before he left, he looked at and shook his head in disappointment. “How could you Chre’? Like, I didn't expect you to do that, especially to Taylor. You better hope she doesn’t press charges.”

Press charges?! Okay I need to find out what the hell I did wrong. I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door to my car. I drove down the highway to her house. A tear slipped down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I did something terribly bad to her, and I don’t know what. I can’t lose her again. I kept calling her phone and she wouldn’t pick up. Damn it!

When I got to her house, I ran out the car and started knocking on the door. Come on Taylor, answer the door. I knocked again and pressed my head to the door. The house was in complete silence. Where could she be?

As I walked to the car, my phone started ringing. It was her mom. When I answered, she was crying and rambling.

Me: I don’t understand what you’re saying Ms. Patricia.

Why is she crying?

Patricia: IT’s TAYLOR!

Me: I’ll be right there

My heart stopped when she mentioned her name. No, it can’t be! I ran to the car and drove straight to the hospital. Thoughts started racing through my head. What if she’s in a coma? What is she broke her leg? Oh my God, what if she’s dead?! More tears went down my face and messed up my vision. I wiped off my tears from my face and kept driving. The last thing I want is to get in a car accident and end up in the hospital. I finally approached the hospital and rushed inside to the front desk.

“I need to see Taylor Carter.” She looked at me in a rude way and started filing papers. “Excuse me miss, I came here looking for my girlfriend Taylor Carter.”

“Sir could you wait?!” This lady was getting on my damn nerves.

“No ma’am I can’t! Now could you please tell me where my girlfriend is?!” I’m sure about everyone in the hospital was looking at us.

“Sir you need to lower you voice!”

“Maybe if you weren’t so stubborn before, I wouldn’t have to be raising my voice at you!” I saw Taylor’s mom walking down the hall trying to figure out who was making all this noise. I ran down to her and gave her a hug.

“She’s in room 143.” (A/N : You see what I did there?;) )

“Thanks.” I ran down to where her room was and burst through the doors. She had on a leg casts and was bruised all over. Shit! I walked up to her slowly and I sat down next to her on a chair. Her eyes fluttered open and looked at me. The beautiful glint I always saw in her eyes wasn’t there. Instead, her eyes were filled with fear and anger.

“Babe, I did someth-”

“Why are you here?” She silently sort of yelled.

“Y-your mom called me and said you were in the hospital.” I stuttered saying.

“You don’t belong here. Get out.” She simply said. W-what?


“You heard what I said. Get out.” I looked into her eyes again. Nothing. There was nothing that showed she was joking.

“Babe I-”

“Only my boyfriend calls me babe. I don’t know who you are.”

“B-but I-”

“GODDAMIT CHRE’ JUST LEAVE! OKAY?! EVER SINCE YOU CAME INTO MY LIFE, YOU MADE IT SO DIFFICULT! ALL YOU DO IS HURT ME AND EXPECT FORGIVENESS JUST LIKE THAT! BUT GUESS WHAT, CHRE’?! I’M NOT GOING TO FORGIVE YOU LIKE BEFORE! I’M NOT GONNA TOLERATE ANY OF YOUR BULLSHIT ANYMORE! I’M DONE!” My heart stopped. I didn’t even realize I was crying until I sniffled. “Just get out… I’m tired of everything…” She whimpered and I saw a tear trickled down her face. I slowly turned around and walked away.

“I don’t know what I did to you Tay, b-but I love you. Never forget that.” I said and I walked out the room. I can’t believe I just lost the most important to me. What am I going to do?


Okay , who seen that coming ??? *raise my hand*

What is chre' going to do ? Is he going to try harder ? Is he going to kill himself ? What about Jacob ? Is he gonna strangle Chre' ? What about Taylor ? Do you believe that she'll NEVER forgive him ? Oooooo so many questions that needs to be answered , but not right now becasue I'm mean like that . So if you want some of these questions to be answered , I would suggest you vote and comment for my story ;) I need three likes and three comments for the NEW chapter ! Thanks :)

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