Saturday is coming!!!

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Today is Thursday! I woke up this morning with a cold. Shit! I immediately boiled myself some tea, plugged in my Vick’s fan, took out my Vicks Rub, brought two bottles of NyQuil to my room, and put the curtains in front of the window to block the sunlight. After drinking my tea and my cold medicine, I went straight back to sleep. After a couple of hours, I woke up again and drank my medicine and some more tea. This process always helps me when I’m sick and usually, my cold goes away in one day. The best part is I get to sleep ALL day and do nothing!

 When I woke up the fourth time, I got up and checked on Madison. She was watching Sponge Bob so I immediately turned around and went back to sleep. My cold was going away so fast, I just couldn’t wait for tomorrow!

I was rudely awakened by some loud music from across the street in the middle of the night. SRS!! Someone had to have a party at this time! When I got up, I noticed that my nose wasn’t stuffy no more. YES my cold is gone! I then started dancing around my room to the music across the street. I then thought to myself, why am I dancing in my room at 2 a.m.? But then what the heck it’s my life and my cold is gone. How better can this day get?!

I then grew tired of dancing and decided to lie down on my bed. What am I going to do today? After a couple of random things that popped  into my head, I decided that Madison and I can go to the hairdresser and do our hair. When I checked the time, it was already 5 a.m.. Was I dancing that long? Wow no wonder I’m tired. I had put my alarm to 10:00 and went back to sleep.


My ringer woke me up, and I ran to Madison’s room to wake her up.

“Guess what today is???????” I said while jumping on her bed.

“Taaaaaayyyyyyyllllooooorrrrrrrr!” she said while whining and trying to go back to sleep.

“Well if you’re going back to sleep, then that means you are not going to the hairdresser today.” I said while slowly walking out the door to see what she’s gonna do. She immediately jumped out of her bed and went into the bathroom. “I’ll be right there!” she yelled as while she jumped into the shower. I then went into my room and took a shower also.

When I came out, I put on some Capri jeans and a yellow shirt with my black converse. When I was walking down the stairs, Maddy already made herself and I a sandwich and two cups of apple juice was on the table counter. She started destroying the sandwich with her teeth and gulping down her juice.

“Damn girl slow down!” I said while looking at her murdered the sandwich.

“Finish!! Hurry up were gonna be late!” She said while walking out the door with my car keys to start the car.

“I’m coming.” I said as I quickly swallowed my breakfast and drove to the hair salon. Madison had washed her hair, deep condition and straightened her hair, I did the same. Her hair came out so pretty. Her hair is like a caramel/brunette kind of hair and it was less curly so she looks like an angel. My hair felt so soft and light. My hair is not the same color as Maddy’s own; my own is a darker brown.

When we were finished from the hair salon, we went to go get some ice cream and played in the park. We were swinging on the swings, and every time we get to high we would scream and jump off. We went on the slides. We would scare each other every time one of us slides down; which was hilarious! Then we went on the merry-go –round. We started spinning each other, and when it got fast we would scream and laugh at the same time. We only went on those things because the monkey bars are scary and I don’t trust the other stuff that’s on the park.

After having our fun at the park, it was already 5:00. I bought ourselves some McDonalds and we both ate on the park again. When it was getting too dark, we drove home.

“Madison go iron your clothes now and set your alarm clock to 8.” I said as I went in my room to iron my clothes.

“What time does it start?” she asked while sitting on my bed.

“It starts at 10 now go iron your clothes.” I said as I evacuated her from my room. When I was finished ironing, I got a text from Jeena.

Jeena: Tay…I won’t be able to come tomorrow…I have to go to a my cousins Sweet 16.:(

Me: Oh okay….I’ll get you a signed autograph from Princeton…

Me: Okay thanks… Text me when you got it and make sure you get a picture with them. I want to see what Princeton’s wearing lol

Me: Lmao! Okay I love youuuuuuuuu!!

Jeena: Love you too!

Ugh! I really wanted Jeena to come with me. After putting my phone on the dressing table, I went to go take a shower and wrap Madison’s and my hair. We both said goodnight to each other and went to sleep. Tomorrow is Saturday bitches!!

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